Geldautomat hat 13,60€ Gebühr für Bargelabhebung abgebucht, ohne dass gewarnt wurde?
Ich habe bei einem Geldautomaten 500 euro abgehoben, einmal 200 und einmal 300€. Bei beiden malen habe ich sehr genau geschaut, ob mir irgendwelche Gebühren angezeigt werden, es wurde jedoch noch nicht mal eim Text der Art “Mit Benutzung stimmen Sie den AGB/AVB zu.” Es war auch kein Schild am Automaten selber, was auf Gebühren hingewiesen hat.
Ein paar Tage später habe ich gesehen, dass eine Gebühr von insgesamt 13,60€ berechnet wurde. Ist das rechtens? Bei einem anderen Geldautomaten des selben Institutes wurde mir vorher eine Gebühr von 4, 50€ angezeigt, worauf ich die Transaktion abgebrochen habe.
Danke im Voraus.
Depending on the bank, the price for the payout is unfortunately not always directly recognizable at the vending machine, in some cases an additional button has to be pressed to get this information.
The Stiftung Warentest wrote in an article in 2016:
I don’t know if something has changed in the meantime.
Take a look at the machine and see if there is not a small sign on the machine itself.
There would have to be on it, fees in the amount of … will be charged”. The shield is probably not even 10cm tall.
The customer has been officially informed and it is so permissible.
I also looked after, but there was nothing…
Check the price and performance directory on the homepage.
Then you should go out with the company.
You need to be informed beforehand.
“Since January 2011, the financial institutions have been obliged to display the charges charged to the foreign customers before they are lifted on the screen. Thus, the customer has the opportunity to cancel the process and go to another bank.
Some banks also point with a sticker on the devices to the fees payable for foreign customers.” – No need.
If you haven’t been informed on the screen, you’ll be charged to the bank.
Unfortunately, I know this country too well to not believe that…
They probably tell you, “The shield has probably been removed by vandalism. We’ll send someone to bring it back. Unfortunately, we can’t do anything for you.”
But it can’t be that they don’t have to pay on site anyway?
You have a bank card and a contract, and the conditions and costs are in it! Here it is pointed out that it can cost more elsewhere and you must inform yourself in advance.
Of course, I know my bank’s fees, but they wouldn’t even be so high.
At the machine is guaranteed a sign on which the fees are called.
No, I looked exactly
Then you can complain, but you’ll be told where it’s on the machine.
then you can complain to the provider.
There’s nowhere in the machine, except in yellow, on a yellow basis:)