Geldauszahlen YouTube Gewerbe?
Hallo. Muss ich ein Gewerbe anmelden wenn ich einmalig von YouTube eine Zahlung von 1,500€ bekomme? Es ist einmalig und ich hab danach nichtmehr vor weiter zu machen mit YouTube. Das Geld ist seit Monaten auf Google adsens und ich würd es jetzt eigentlich gern mal auszahlen.
Danke für die Antworten.
In the case of a one-time payment of €1,500 from YouTube, it is generally advisable to register a business as these revenues can be regarded as commercial activity.
Even if you do not intend to continue to be active on YouTube, registration of a business in Germany is necessary as soon as you obtain revenue from an independent activity.
You should also specify the revenue in your tax return as they are taxable. It would be useful to inform you of a tax advisor to ensure that you meet all legal requirements.
Yes, you have to register the business before the payout so by the way.
Yes, yes, you have to control the intake!
I don’t have to. There’s a free allowance.
It would also be tax evasion if there were no commercial registration.
Achsoo okay
If you pay it through PayPal, you will be blocked wg evtl unregistered