Geld zurück bei der DB?


habe mir vorgestern zwei Tickets (hin und Rückfahrt) gekauft. Leider ist der Zug gestern wegen einer Störung ausgefallen. Bin dann anderweitig hin gekommen. Heute fällt der Rück-Zug natürlich auch aus…. Wie gehe ich vor, um mein Geld zurück zu bekommen?

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2 years ago

At least surprisingly, the train informs its passengers on its own website.

Special focus for travellers affected by radio interference in northern Germany

Interference of train radio – 08.10.2022; Special custodian valid until 15.10.2022

Special focus: All passengers who have postponed their journey on 08.10.2022 due to the impact of the train radio interference may use their ticket for the 08.10.2022 for long-distance transport, including 7 days after the end of the disruption (15.10.2022). Seat reservations can be cancelled free of charge.

In addition, the general passenger rights apply in case of delay or train failure. For further information, see

We have compiled all the information about the special focus due to the radio interference here again in detail for you.

Last Update 08.10.2022 17:53 PM – DB Fernverkehr AG

2 years ago

On the web site there is a form for it.