Geld wo verstecken?
Habt ihr Ideen wo man sein gespartes verstecken kann? Ich habe nichts, aber was wenn ich mal Erbe etc. Das alles bar in der Wohnung ist gefährlich. Wenn dann würde ich darauf Gold baren machen und die verstecken. Aber wenn’s brennt, dann schmelzen die und wenn Einbrecher kommen? Als Hartz 4 Empfänger kann ich das auf ein Sparkonto nicht packen. Habt ihr Ideen? Bitte keine Angriffe, denn jeder hat seine Geheimnisse im Leben 👍🏻
If you’ll have to give it to you – you can leave it on the savings book.
It’s all deducted! No one is so stupid and tells the authorities that!
And if it happens to get out if you’re deceived, you have a procedure for social fraud at the back and can even get to jail for it….
Doesn’t have anything to do with stupidity, but just doing nothing illegal and fraudulent.
You have the duty as a service provider and, as I said, with concealment, that can become evil….
See Wladimyr’s Comment
You misunderstood. You can’t tell the authorities because they already know.
It’s just weird that I used a guy at the job center. The model is and is lost and does not specify. They didn’t take care of 10 mails from me. Strange! And this is social scam from the finest what he does
on the Cayman Islands, in offshore accounts, or in a private foundation,
in Switzerland, would also be a possibility
In a small village called hiding places, surrounded by dense forests and high mountains, an inventive man named Lukas lived. Lukas was known for his extraordinary ability to turn everyday objects into fascinating hideaways. One day he received a mysterious message from an old friend who advised him to hide his money safely, as dark figures are on the way to wealth.
Lukas went to work right away. He went through his house and thought about the most unusual hiding places. He decided not only to use a hiding place, but several to make sure his money was really safe.
His first hiding place was inside an old book. He chose a thick, dusty book from his library, carefully cut a rectangle into the sides and put some notes of money into it. Then he put the book back into the shelf where it remained inconspicuous between the others.
The next hiding place he found in the kitchen. He took an empty coffee can and attached the bottom of the can with a secret compartment. After he had put the money in, he put the can back into the shelf next to the other supplies.
In the living room, Lukas had an old stand clock that hadn’t worked for years. He opened the back of the clock and hid a small roll of money there. He set the clock back to her place where she served as an antique decor.
Lukas knew he had to find hiding outside the house. In the garden he had a stone figure of a garden dwarf that was hollow. He opened the bottom of the figure and put some coins there. Then he placed the garden gnome back to his place between the flower beds.
In his hobby room, Lukas had an old violin he no longer played. He opened the body of the violin and hid some notes in it. Then he hung the violin back to the wall where it looked like a piece of memory.
Lastly, Lukas thought of a really unusual place: the refrigerator. He took an empty ice pack, put the money in and put it back into the freezer where it hardly noticed between the other foods.
When Lukas finished hiding, he felt relieved. He knew his savings were safe now, even if someone had to enter his house. The dark figures that were looking for wealth would never come up with the idea of looking for money in an old book, a stand clock or even in an ice pack.
Years passed, and Lukas’ hidings remained undetected. One day he decided to tell the story of his extraordinary hiding places to his grandchildren. The children listened in fascinated and learned from Luke that it is not only important to possess money, but also to hide it wisely.
And so Lukas continued to live in his small village hiding, always vigilant and inventive, while his hideouts became legends passed from generation to generation.
Is that what you mean? 🤪
LG Clown
Grab it in the garden or give it to someone you can trust. For example,
This has become such a thing today with confidence.
Don’t do it like the politicians. First you write trust small and later great confidence 😜.
LG Clown
Never trust a shy cucumber.
You evil, evil man! There is nothing more trustworthy than a cucumber!!!
Agreed! I trust you my fortune.
Do you give me your credit card number or bank details with login for banking? Then I can let you book everything well, as I said just need your login details.
I can trust. After all, we’ve known each other for so long.
Don’t you remember?
You wrote a comment here and I answered it.
It’s been 5 seconds now, you have to remember it 😁😁
But the idea with the burying in the garden has something pirate….
best then also directly into a real treasure chest and self-drawn treasure map;)
May be
I think you’ve seen it on another “tube”
Yeah, I saw youtube. That’s right. From the carousel
Cucumber carousel? 🤔. You know what that means, right? Don’t forget the gliding gel
Watch out, or I’ll drive a cucumber carousel here
Hey Moin Newcomer, If I write it now where I hide my money, tonight’s the tanks crackers are there.
LG Clown
Tell me by private message
You can expect the authorities to know when you inherit.
Bullshit. If this is not written, we families meet and make the bar!
You may believe that, because with me, the county is withdrawing the increase in the pension. Don’t make hopes.
LG Clown
You once wrote that you’re working at an escort agency – invest it there.
Nee Sorry but I don’t know where I can hide all my money. Have hardly any space
LG Clown
pack the money to a savings account, if you get social money at some point, you have to give it up or you make you criminal
Get a wall clock with cavity.
As if burglars don’t look like that. They look in books and now also in cabinets that are rebuilt! At a colleague, the feet were even removed and to see if nix is behind it!
The cavity is already sufficiently present in the FS’in. And I don’t mean a wall clock.
Ey, it doesn’t matter if they don’t tick. Also, you can’t put the cuckoo in the air. Are we doing this with foreigners? 🤪
LG Clown
She’s ticking. It’s still a subject. And remember: the little bite in the watch box did not find the wolf.
It was still there, poor animal. Give him what to eat is surely hungry 😂