Geld von Norisbank zur Commerzbank wie lange dauert es?

Moinii mir wurde online Geld überwiesen das Geld kommt von der Norisbank auf Commerzbank.. es musste freigegeben werden, was alles gemacht wurde vorgestern, doch bis heute ist nichts drauf.. ist das normal bei der Norisbank? Normalerweise geht das bei meiner Bank recht schnell 🙈

danke für die Antworten

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2 years ago

In principle, a transfer must arrive at the recipient by the following business day, with late order intake (after the entry closing time of the respective bank), it may also last one day longer.

2 years ago

What do you mean “to be released”?

That sounds strange.

A transfer should normally be credited on the following day of work. Only if it is a paper form or the booking run is already done can it take a day longer.

This applies to all domestic transfers, the Norisbank does not make an exception.

2 years ago
Reply to  Blabliblub93

It had to be released because it was a larger sum.

What’s “big sum”? More than 10,000 euros?

Normally, I don’t think so. I think it would rather be a sign that there was no sufficient coverage on the account at the time of order allocation, and the bank has therefore initially set the execution back to wait for possible payment entries the next day before the order was rejected.

2 years ago

Another interpretation: I set up a transfer limit at my account. Only reason is protection against abuse. For example, I can temporarily increase that. The process takes about an hour. Probably there’s another person looking at it.

It is quite possible that other banks also have corresponding security mechanisms and, for example, in the case of larger amounts, check whether everything is okay.