Geld vom Minijob zu 100% behalten?
Ich (15w), möchte bald einen Minijob bzw. Aushilfsjob anfangen. Als minderjährige Person hat man ja noch kein Recht auf Mindestlohn, trotzdem würden schon mindestens 400 Euro dabei herausspringen. Meine Eltern sind ganz normal arbeitstätig. Dementsprechend müsste ich also nichts an sie abdrücken oder?
If they don’t want anything from you, you don’t have to do anything.
What would they want?
Then you have something to do with them.
then not
Yes I too, it’s too useless to discuss a fact you don’t want to see.
Well, I’m saving the discussion. It is too useless to discuss with someone who has no idea of the subject, but remains on his mind.
No: You can do it as much as you want. The child does not have to give his parents money.
What kind of evidence?
The logic of the legislator simply reduces the child’s own merit accordingly.
Everything else would be simply nonsense.
@OP: Exactly, don’t believe bullshit.
The dear jurafuchs would otherwise have delivered his documents.
Oh, come on, I’m saving the discussion, you know everything better anyway….
@OP: Please don’t believe such a bullshit…
Where’s your source? Just googling. I’d trust you. But with understanding I doubt 😀
Does any source come from you or are your meaningless and contentless comments all you have to contribute?
Why don’t you think about a subject before you spit big tones?
No parents can’t do it by law. Yeah, just like I wrote.
No, it didn’t, it’s wrong. The child is entitled to maintenance. The maintenance does not have to come in the form of €, but can be provided by parents in appropriate services (living room, food, etc.) – as probably here.
If the child himself earns money, it can at least partly cover these costs. Therefore, the parents can in any case request a partial amount thereof.
So your answer remains wrong.
No. Only parents must give the child their salary, but not otherwise.
However, the child is entitled to money from the parents only on the verge 🙂
Yes, of course – the parents if they want to. That’s a reasonable sum.
No, even if you say it so often. The child doesn’t have to give his salary to anyone. :
Yes. Even if you deny it so often.
Yes, of course.
Not by law, no. Ask her?
You don’t have to, so is your money.