Geld verloren?

Hallo ich habe gerade über Trade Republic 100 Euro in eine Aktie namens ethernity networks investiert. Direkt danach wurde mir angezeigt das meine Positionen nur noch 18 Euro wert ist also minus 82% obwohl keine Kursschwankungen aufgetreten ist. Kann mir jemand erklären warum dass passiert ist?

Danke im voraus

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1 year ago

No matter how it goes, it’s written as a teaching money.

You don’t buy anything like that unless you know exactly what you’re doing.

Always pay attention to sales, which should be at least a few 100,000 per day, and the money/letter spread.

It’s hard to say what went wrong. What was the requirement in your trading plan that brought you to that value?

1 year ago
Reply to  iq1000

If you’re interested, I’ve got the mistake in my answer.

1 year ago

According to the picture where the course went up by 500% I know what was going on.

The marketcap of your share is apparently far too deep and created for manipulations as. Even a homeless has apparently enough money to manipulate the course strongly (at any rate percentage).

It’s hard to explain to a newbie what happened here I try as follows: Let’s say the share was 1cent (easier to explain) and per purchase of a share the price goes up 1cent. So if you buy 100 shares, the price will NOT go to 1.01€ and now the problem: Of course you will NOT get any of the 100 shares at the price of 1cent. Because as soon as one gets bought, she’s on 2cent. That means you didn’t buy 100 shares at 1€ but bought 13 shares for 91cent.

Understood? A little complicated. Be careful next time on the Market Cap that should amount to a few billion.

1 year ago

You hired Trade Republic to buy such a share for 100 euros and that’s what Trade Republic did. The seller is happy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Roflrochen690

You have bought a share for 100 euros, which is currently traded on the market for only 18 euros.

1 year ago

Then look at my answer to yours. I have insight.

1 year ago

Some people just don’t want to have an insight though they’re wrong.

You could say that to your mirror image.

1 year ago

🤦🏽 ♂️ no matter. You don’t understand.

Some people just don’t want to have an insight though they’re wrong.

For me, the conversation is over here.

1 year ago

Yeah, well, if someone else has a sales order at the price. See also the answer of .

1 year ago


If the price says the share is worth 100€ and you buy at the broker for 1k this share then you have 10. You NOT buy 1 and pay 10 times. I can’t. You were never on the stock exchange

1 year ago

Yes, I do.

1 year ago

It’s not like that.

1 year ago

That doesn’t work. The broker normally always makes a price improvement. That’s not what it is.

1 year ago

What made you want to buy a piece of scrap?

Pennystock, extremely market-oriented almost without sales, with gigantic spread between money and letter rate depending on the trading venue.

Was this your purchase?

Unlimited? Then you briefly catapulted the price up by 500% with your purchase, because by chance someone had an appropriately highly limited sales order open. If nobody else wants to buy after that, the price will fall again due to lack of demand.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gummipunkt

Thank you, I think I’ve come to the solution thanks to your picture.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

Hmm… sorry, but I still have slight doubts. At your LottoOtto99, I see you didn’t really understand the mechanisms.

The price of the stock is determined by supply and demand. If limited purchase and sales offers with a large price difference are present at a trading venue for a very market-like share, then no trade will occur.

The price value that the trading venues then indicate is rather a hypothetical assumption that can lie somewhere between letter and money price.

On the example of the stock purchased by the FS: current on LS Exchange money rate €0.002, letter rate €0.26. Gigantic spread, minimum trading volume.

If someone is now placing an unlimited order, a trade will come about, that is to say, the price that the “best” provider wants to have for the stock. This price can then easily be a few hundred percent above the last price of the trading venue.

1 year ago

All right. I don’t want to. You just don’t see what I want to say with my answers. A discussion doesn’t make any sense.

1 year ago

We don’t need to deepen this, but consider that maybe you’re the one who didn’t understand anything.

Have a good day.

1 year ago

You don’t understand what I mean. It doesn’t matter. There’s nothing to explain to you because you seem to be just not looking through. I’m sorry for you.

1 year ago

Where did LottoOtto99 write something about Tesla?! That’s what you thought.

His comments were obviously related to the stock mentioned in the question and are completely correct in this context.

1 year ago

With “you’re wrong” I mean what you said about Lottootto. That you are otherwise right can be good.

And again: No, Tesla doesn’t like that.

You don’t have to tell MIR. Say the lottery. That’s what I’ve always said.

1 year ago

You’re wrong

I have explained to you how the price can go through the ceiling with very marketed shares by a single unskillful placed order. This is a fact, actually also basic knowledge, and it seems that the questioner has been running.

And again: No, Tesla doesn’t like that. For a share like “Ethernity Networks” already.

1 year ago

I’ve read your answer, it’s not quite wrong, but it’s a bit past the core of the thing.

That can be. I am absolutely no professional in the share game. I am in the short term with very volatile currency pairs or indexes.

You’re wrong. Because Lottoottoottootto thinks that as you say to the broker, “buy for 1k tesla shares” that the broker buys a share. What’s wrong? And yet, he thinks so!

1 year ago

This is not about Tesla or the like, but, as I have already written several times, an extremely market-like stock where there is hardly any trade volume. And as this is about an exact share, the comment of LottoOtto99 is also completely correct.

Try to understand what mechanisms are involved. This is a lot different from large, much traded shares.

I’ve read your answer, it’s not quite wrong, but it’s a bit past the core of the thing.

1 year ago

Lottoottootto is as if you could now pay 1000€ for a Tesla share and only get one. That’s not how it works. Because no one who sells his Tesla share suddenly gets 1k instead of the offered price. And Lottoottootto has made it that way.

That if no one buys, the price falls, that’s quite aware of me.

What I described here in my answer, I would read in your place. I think that was the problem.

1 year ago

But you bought a scrap, the value is 0.0005 Euro:

Ethernity Netw Rg A2DUAF (

Well, as a 17-year-old one makes such mistakes. …

1 year ago
Reply to  amsel11

It has nothing to do with age.

1 year ago
Reply to  amsel11

See my answer, I think it was.