Geld sparen essen?

Hi, wie kann ich für essen so wenig wie möglich ausgeben? Ernähre mich viel von Gemüse, Kohlenhydrate (Reis, Kartoffeln, Nudeln) und ab und an Fleisch von der Frischetheke. Tipps wie ich aufs Geld achten kann auch bzgl essen bestellen/vorkochen etc. Außer Prospekte mit Aktionen durchgehen, kann ich sonst noch drauf achten? Bitte um Ratschläge, vielen Dank!

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1 year ago

Dining out and ordering It’s too expensive.

Make a weekly plan and run a household book where you write exactly what you buy and what you spend on it. You have an overview of what you look like and see where the most money goes for it.

No more sweet drinks, tap water and even brewed tea is absolutely sufficient. For on the go, take a water bottle with which you fill at home.

No more prefabricated products that do not get tired in the long term but usually increase appetite because they do not cover the need for nutrients.

Build a lot of oat flakes and potatoes as well as legumes in your diet that last long and are cheap.

If you like meat then work with smoked bacon cubes and hack of it you need very little and the meal still tastes vigorously after meat. For example, a peas stew (made of dried peas) with a handful of bacon cubes and glazed onion as well as some soup vegetables add some portions of delicious soup that lasts long and is favorable and you can freeze it in portions.

Oat soup, Griess soup etc cooked with some vegetables goes fast is cheap and tastes. Soups are usually very inexpensive to produce.

View recipe pages on the net there is a bsp. Groups that have cheap cooking also have 1 euro recipes are helpful to add a book or print the recipes from which you want to cook.

Buy with shopping list so avoid spontaneous purchases. Compare the prices of the products (compare the kilo price) look for Bückware which are usually cheaper as the things you find at eye level in the supermarket shelf.

Around the evening and especially in the evenings before the weekend, a lot of things will be put down in order to buy after.

Brand products can often be replaced by No Name.

1 year ago

regarding your preferences and the quantities, you will hardly be able to save

where you can really save:

a weekly meal schedule: you write what you want to eat on what day

a shopping plan: from the food schedule you can see what food you really need (after checking the supplies) and which not – from this you will start the shopping plan and also really buy only the food you have written – you will do your purchases once a week and therefore have a good control of what you spend week a week.

Storage: check when purchasing exactly the shelf life – store canned as much as possible in the basement, store frozen food ( vegetables, pommes, etc.) in the freezer (which should also be placed in the basement – is unfortunately not always possible) – store all foods – according to the shelf life date, i.e. always the foods that are to be consumed most preferably – and of course not buy 20 times

if you always have a stock, you can always search the offers for reasonable prices – so you can always benefit from reasonable prices – if you are too expensive, you have the stocks

also for meat, fish, poultry and sausage, there are often cheap offers – as far as the sausage is concerned, I would really only buy what I consume within a week – meat … can be stored in the freezer

if you prepare dishes such as frying, meat cubes, scavengers, chickens, goulash, roulette …: I always prepare a larger amount, then add it and store it in the freezer – if necessary I take a portion and warm up only – this saves energy – you can move with agitator cake just as well – it can be stored well in the freezer


I buy my meat, poultry and z. Part of fish and eggs always directly in (metzger with own animal husbandry and agriculture for food)

that can’t be anyone who lives in town does not always have these possibilities or he has to look a lot more at the money – so if you have to spend money in every way, it’s OK if you buy supermarket – don’t be stupid


well, good bargain hunt

1 year ago

For example, you can save with NeoTaste when you live in a larger city. At dinner order to pay attention to actions of UberEats, Deliveryando, Wolt etc. In Flink and Gorillas, you can often dust bargains and a lot of vouchers are also used. To keep an eye on platforms like MyDealz and DealDoktor. On the CouponBoys page, I already found the one or the other deal. Unfortunately, the tips are more for the city. In the village I don’t know how well I can save money.

1 year ago

It’s very important to change. Before saving food, you should first put the red pencil on other things. Orient yourself to the special offers, but also to quality (Bio, Regional).

1 year ago

At food and drink you can’t save or do you want to starve every day? Dining out and restaurant you could do without it. Otherwise buy so much so that you get tired every day