Geld sicher Risikofrei investieren?
Ciao Freunde,
und zwar habe ich folgendes zu Fragen, brauche eure Tipps:
ich weiß No Risk no Fun. Aber…
Ich habe € angelegt (Festgeldkonto)
Jetzt nach einem Jahr, habe ich meine Zinsen bekommen, diese werden mit 26,35% versteuert (Kapitalertragssteuer und Solidaritätszuschlag), rein Gewinn ist also ca 75% von den vereinbarten Zinssatz.
Wie kann ich mein Geld besser und genauso sicher anlege?
Mein Zinssatz war damals bei der Sparkasse 2,75%, jetzt nur noch 2%
teilt eure Erfahrung mit mir
By entering your capital Money market(close) ETFs investing. They form relatively precisely ECB interest from (or the €STR) and have only minimal costs.
For example, I have invested part of my liquidity reserve in the Lyxor Smart Overnight Return EUR (Acc).
MMFs and –ETFs are provided with risk level 1 and are thus at the same level as a daily money account. With the additional advantage that they are even declared as a special asset and your assets are thus protected against a bank insolvency at an unlimited level (day money only up to at least 100,000€).
Note: Money Market ETF ≠ Stock ETF
Share ETFs are subject to significant market fluctuation and are unsuitable for short-term investments.
Thank you. With the topic ETF Investment, I’m sorry I don’t know too much, but good point, thank you!
Not at all.
Return is risk premium.
If you want more returns than for fixed money, you have to go into more risky investments, the next step would be a corporate bond, then ETFs and investment real estate, shares, crypts and eventually we arrived at financial derivatives.
Counter-question: No exemption order issued? Then quickly make income tax returns.
Thank you.
depends in particular on the installation horizon.
If you want to make the money in the long term, you want not only to get the nominal amount but also at least the purchasing power. You also have a risk with a fixed money account.
If you want to put the money in the long term (10 years) I would recommend you to a broadly scattered stock fund (ETF).
For shorter installation horizons, a money market fund would be worth considering. Also the earths traded as ETF on the stock exchange. So a depot is also needed. There are currently yields of around 3%. However, they will also fall due to falling interest rates.
Find out more about this.
P.s. does not forget to deposit an exemption order at the bank due to taxes. Or have you already deposited the total 1,000 euros in another way? Otherwise, the savings amount can be subsequently taken into account through the income tax statement
Not at all. The higher the possible profit, the higher the risk. Find the provider with German deposit guarantee that has the best conditions for you.
But taxes and soli can be handled by means of an exemption order.
Okay, thanks. Do I have to reveal any pre-requisites so that the release order is approved and when do I make it, right after installation or how?
Trade Republic pays the current 3%….until 100,000€ 100% safe.
Didn’t you hire a job?
I thought you had a supervisor at the savings bank… did you both sleep?