Geld oder Zeit?
habe folgendes Problem. Muss mich zwischen zwei Jobs entscheiden
- Job – 40 Stunden – 2500 € netto – Wochenende immer frei – Urlaub kann ich mir aussuchen
- Job – 52 Stunden – 4400 € netto – Wochenende immer frei – Urlaub wird vorgegeben
Was würdet ihr machen? Ich denke, dass 12 Stunden mehr nicht so schlimm sind. Bin 32 Jahre alt und würde jenen Job mit den 52 Stunden ungefähr 3 – 4 Jahre machen um Geld auf die Seite zu legen, damit ich später eine Weltreise machen kann.
Good plan with the few years. Then do the money. Holiday is not so bad. Without children etc no problem
Right, I have a son. Honestly, today it is even difficult to put something on the side with a 2500 € net wage. I’d like to take his trip later and show him something from the world. In the matter I did not create it, rather gather memories 🙂 I have less time now, but later.
Oh, okay. Puh with child difficult because the time with him meeeega is important. So it means care for your son from morning to evening. It’s not sooo mega. And in the evening you’re tired of the day.
In young years No2, if you’re older you can put something back.
The art is of course to earn the 4200€ with less working time.
I would also take the one with more pay. As long as you’re younger, you can easily make a five-day week with a few hours more than usual. It works with a world trip.
Yeah, that’s true. By 36-37 I could do this without any problems I think:)
So I’d like to be ready to work for more money longer. I’m lucky you have this job offer. Because not everyone who is willing to work for a lot of money gets this place.
If you’ve already decided, take more money. As you already see, there are advantages and disadvantages between money and time. You also need to remember that life is no longer cheap nowadays and with 4.4k net is mostly center
Whether money or time is important to you personally, you have to decide
At least in Germany, number 2 is not possible in the long term.
More or less. There is no written record. Either I play with or not according to the requirements.
“I either play with or not according to the requirements.”
And I wouldn’t do that for a lot of money if it was already communicated in advance that workers’ rights will be transferred openly.
Only because the law says until 40h a week work does not mean for every worker that they have to work up to 40h. Even executives or managing directors have to work much longer than 60h a week. Therefore, you must be able to decide whether to have more time for leisure or to think about money.
48 h is the maximum permissible weekly working time according to German law. That’s different than “until”…
It is very rare to earn as an employee 4,4k net and especially in young years, even after studying one does not get to that salary at age…
This would normally earn 50 year-old workers who have worked for 20 years and have already been trained. But it’s impossible for one or the other for an entry level.
If you think you always have to adhere to German law, of course, it will not be possible to earn much and those who can absolutely beautiful house, beautiful car and really well invest to retire earlier than 60 years old, they also have to accept with some drawbacks.
That’s right. Only you have to understand that people cannot always keep legal working hours. As described above, it is not always possible for bosses or managers to adhere to this labour law and I know every self-employed person who has to work more than 60h a week. This is the sense of hard work, yet it is worthwhile for those who want to work for more money to be able to afford luxury goods. Only most people don’t see working longer because you work hard work for little money. If you suffer a lot, you get better quality of life later. As I said, there are advantages and disadvantages
Number two, I would do
A world trip? I think you’re dreaming a bit 😂
How do you imagine? 52 hours have been a lot, but I wonder where you want to earn 4,400,00 € net?