Geld leihen vom Vater?

Hallo an alle.

Mein Vater leiht mir Geld für eine Kaution und sagte auch, dass wir das schon alles schaffen, als ich beim Grillen mit ihm war (getrennte Eltern). So war ich motiviert eine bessere Bindung zu meinem Vater herzustellen, nachdem sie in die Brüche ging durch die Scheidung und seine Freundin (Meine Mutter hat er auch noch das Leben zur Hölle gemacht).

Nun schrieb er mich heute an und brachte wirklich etwas, was ich mir nie vorstellen konnte..

Er wollte ein Vertrag mit mir machen, wobei es um die 700€ geht, die mir fehlten. Zudem möchte er diesen auch besprechen und ich muss extra nochmal zu ihm hin und wieder zurück fahren.

Für mich ist das ein Vertrauensbruch x10 und nachdem ich ihn alles zurückgezahlt habe, werde ich ihm sagen, dass wir keinen Kontakt mehr haben werden.

Sagt mir gerne, ob ich das falsch sehe, im Bezug auf das gesselschaftliche denken.


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1 year ago

It is always sensual to make a contract while giving money, that has nothing to do with breaking trust.

1 year ago

It is by no means discourageable to hold a loan of money in writing – it has nothing to do with a breach of trust, he wants to continue borrowing the money, a break, he would bridge it from this project.

1 year ago

My father even demanded interest for a private loan, although much less as it would have been with the bank. That’s really awesome.

I don’t understand why you want to cancel the contact after you pay it all.

If you are so disappointed by him and see a contract as a abuse of trust, you should not accept the €700.

So much pride you should have.

1 year ago
Reply to  DeernVomDienst

where is he asking for interest?

1 year ago
Reply to  dancefloor55

The speech is about MY Father. Not the father of the FS. That’s what I wanted to show that it’s still going to be a mica* than just a contract. You understand?

1 year ago

You borrow a lot of money from your father to whom you don’t have such a good relationship. A guilt is quite normal with such sums.

You don’t have to accept that. You can also complete a deposit insurance.

He probably told you out of a feeling and later thought about it. It makes sense that he’s safe. You don’t seem to love him to love his own, but mainly want money from him. 🤷

1 year ago

Because it’s right to make a contract. He didn’t give you

1 year ago

It’s a backup. He just wants to make sure he gets his money back.

If you want to break the contact for this, you shouldn’t accept his money.

1 year ago

I’d rather read it that he likes to give you the money, but he wants to give you a sense of real debt. If I find reasonable, you will learn something;)

1 year ago
Reply to  Mala0404

Even in a family, especially if the contact is not as good as you, it always makes sense to make a contract and that has nothing, but nothing to do with trust.

You want to break the contact with your father, just because he’s securing himself, you don’t know what it means to be a family, and you don’t have a real instinct on your father.

In the future, if you need money, pick up a loan at the bank, then you pay interest, but don’t blame anyone for breaking trust.

I have loaned my children a lot of money and always made a contract.

I love my children and trust them too, it’s just about the principle.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mala0404

Luckily, I know that.

I’d rather explain to my son how to deal with money than just blindly give him everything.

If you pay it back, it’s not a problem.

Ask him why he wants to do it that way.

1 year ago

You don’t seem to have the best relationship. So I understand the fear of your father that you take the money and then break contact with him. A contract helps when it comes to prove that you owe him money.

I also have such a contract with my parents as they have borrowed me a larger sum – in the event of death, the remaining amount would have to be deducted from my inheritance, so that my sister finally gets as much as I do.

And after your reaction to judge, he doesn’t poke for free on the contract… you owe him money and want to break the contact. So you shouldn’t throw stones when you sit in the glass house…