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7 months ago

Such a typical newborn ecstasyterus is formed by itself. Like the doctors told you.

Here is the explanation, if the doctors have not told you so clearly:

Moreover, the glukuronyltransferase is not yet fully active by an immature of the liver. These factors lead to more bilirubin being re-formed in the first days of life than the liver can excrete. A possible biological function of the increased bilirubin concentration in the first days of life could be that the bilirubin is capable of freeOxygenRadicalsto intercept. As a result, it may protect the children from diseases caused byoxidativeStress is promoted.[2][3]

Source: Wikipedia

7 months ago

Go to the doctor or if you are still in the KH since let the doctors do their job

7 months ago
Reply to  princess0501

yes then as long as it does not get worse waiting in cut 10-14 days