Gelbes Herz Snapchat?


Ich habe mit einer Person das gelbe Herz… naja mehr oder weniger.

Meistens für ca. 20 Tage, dann verschwindet es für ein paar Stunden bis zu einem Tag wieder aber taucht danach direkt wieder auf.

So bekommen wir nie das rote Herz, oder? Bzw. Nach welcher Zeit taucht das auf.

Ich bin noch nicht so affin damit 😉


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6 months ago


There must never be a break between

You both have to snap with each other every day (mostly several times)

Greeting, GK

6 months ago

Yellow heart: If you see a yellow heart behind the name of one of your friends in the Snapchat contact list, this corresponds to the meaning of “best friends”. With this person you have exchanged most pictures so far.

6 months ago

There must be no breaks. The red heart comes when you had the yellow 2 weeks in the piece. My best friend and I are currently trying to get the 2 pink hearts. You get them when you had the red one for two months.

However, after two weeks, her heart was red and not with me. Had to delete and reinstall Snap, it was only then red. Was a little annoying

6 months ago

That’s what Snapchat says about the meanings of these emojis.
if I don’t deceive everything, you have to stay for 2 months, on both accounts place 1 of the best friends. I am not quite sure

6 months ago

Go to the 3 point and then customize emojis there will be explained what it preyes