Gelbe Verfärbung entlang einer Ader nach Kreuzbandplastik-OP?

Hallo Community,

vor 2 Wochen hatte ich eine Kreuzband-OP und nun ist mir eine gelbe Verfärbung entlang einer Ader aufgefallen.

Zuerst dachte ich es wär ein normaler Bluterguss aber mir ist diese Verfärbung erst heute aufgefallen. Beim Drücken tut es nichtweh, zieht allerdings ab und zu ganz leicht.Thrombosespritzen werden täglich genommen – ist das normal?

Vielen Dank für jede Hilfe!

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2 years ago

It’s nothing unusual, especially after two weeks. After 2 weeks, every little blood flow, if not yet disappeared, should look yellowish. This is part of the degradation process.

2 years ago
Reply to  dirkl125

There’s nothing weird. It’s a normal procedure. This is not always visible, but comes a little to the surface over time, is also normal. If this is the case 2 weeks after surgery, only a yellowish color can be seen.

2 years ago
Reply to  maja0403

Hi, maja, I see that.

2 years ago

When looking closer, it looks as if there are residues of betaisodona disinfection, because it also moves in the direction of the plaster.

The orange disinfectant is very stubborn.

After bleeding, it doesn’t look for me.

Good improvement for you

2 years ago

Hello dirk125.

This is actually the rest of the bloodshed. It’ll be over in the next few days.

2 years ago

Hi, dirki125.

No panic, that’s normal, and not worrying.

These are actually the remaining signs of a past bleeding, and of course they are yellowish at the end.

So it’s a completely normal process.

Greetings, Renate.

2 years ago
Reply to  dirkl125

But gladly.👍😂