Gelbe Tonne Gelber Sack oder Restmüll?
In welchen Müll
gehört die Transparente Plastikverpackung von Getränke-Packs, wenn man Mineralwasser oder Cola oder was auch immer kauft sind die 6er-Packs ja immer in transparentes Plastik gehüllt.
Auch die Plastikverpackung von Toilettenpapier
Gehören beide in die Gelbe Tonne?
I’ll throw them in the yellow ton. So far, this has been taken without any help.
Yeah, I’ve always, I just wanted to make sure, I don’t know how many times I’ve got it. With regard to these two things you find nix.
Yes, they do. Where bottles are idR peach bottles and then of course should not be in the ton
Oh, you mean the film around it?! Yes, also belongs to the yellow
belongs to the yellow ton or the yellow sack.
Plastic is plastic no matter what the use before I do all this in the yellow sack.
Sure, it’s plastic.
The outer packaging comes into the yellow ton/yellow bag.
Yellow sack…