Gelbe Säcke, Stadt und Sturmwarnung
Wie sichert man die am besten? Herumdungelnde Joghurtbecher und Büchsen können einem nachts ordentlich den Schlaf rauben, Plastikfolien werden durch die Lüfte geweht und verfangen sich hie und da und bestenfalls nicht am Haupt des späten Hunderunterführers.
Erstens wird das Material immer glumberder, zweitens mag ich nicht früh ab sieben mit dem Sack in der Hand unten am Gehweg auf die Müllfahrer warten.
Die ersten Säcke purzeln jetzt schon auf der Straße rum…….wobei sich die Frage anschleicht, wie man denn als Verkehrsteilnehmer richtig reagiert, wenn plötzlich gelbe Säcke auf die Fahrbahn kullern. Darf man da bremsen oder muss man die überfahren?
Would the best put in the house hallway so stairs house or garage with us are nice the tons around flew them to the lanterns mast bound quiet night Afcplayer
whether you brake or drive over it depends on the situation.
by the way, nothing will be left to you if the car arrives at you at 7 o’clock, then to hand over the bags.
everything else is just as criminal as illegally dumping.
What do you mean criminal?
there’s a bus money, and you’ll pay for it and take care of it.
is just as you have a paper loose in the hand udn the wind tears it away and you do not run behind it. ala for that I pay
this is the waste disposal, but the city cleaning that is done when yellow bags are distributed and the cost money.
and they are smart and often get out who is causing. there does not need dna, but onefahc price tags, address stickers or what it is for a müll
It’s like the garbage trucks are taming samples from every yogurt cup…
I’ve been a bit worried about it all the time. What I’m glad I don’t have a dog to get out with, but a cat who prefers to roll in the weather before the heating.
Are cat owners free of yellow sack?^
No, but our departure is only on Thursday.
I don’t think I’m…
The FEES are usually clamped between the blue and gray.
You could tie her to a lantern with a lace. In the morning, the rubbish mills already ripe fruit.
I would drive over every garbage bag that jumps into the road in a self-injurious manner – before I move out and my vehicle together with unparticipated pedestrians to scrap.
Or you’ll turn it off, then it’ll be yours if they’re moving beyond your location.
Interesting question. The best thing is to call the Municipality / City Administration tomorrow.
brake, could a little child run after
…and maybe the after-running child could have another dog puppy in the arm. Scary!
that is also a possible danger