Gelbe Karte wegen THC, Führerschein in Gefahr?
Vor ein paar Monaten wurde ich von der Polizei vor meinem Haus rausgezogen und sie zwangen mich zu einem Urin-Drogentest (die üblichen Verdachtsfälle wie bei all meinen Kollegen auch immer). Dieser war positiv. Lange rede kurzer Sinn, Blutabnahme angeordnet. Nach 6 wochen das Ergebnis 0,7ng THC, Abbauprodukt 17,1ng.
Hab dann vom Landratsamt ne gelbe Karte bekommen, nahm die aber nicht ernst da es wie ein schlechter Witz aussah bis ich vor kurzem recherchierte, dass es diese wirklich gibt und ernstzunehmend ist.
Auf jeden Fall wurde ich schon wieder rausgezogen und nach nem Alkoholtest gebeten. Nachdem Sie meine Personalien abfragten, wollten sie noch ein „freiwilligen“ Drogentest… Jaja
Jetzt meine Frage: Wenn ich unter dem Wert von den erlaubten 1.0ng bin passiert mir dann etwas, weil eigentlich bin ich ja immer legal unterwegs gewesen. Klar wenn ich drüber bin MPU und alles. Trotzdem macht mich diese gelbe Karte skeptisch, da es für mich kein Sinn ergibt warum diese 1ng grenze dann überhaupt existiert. Ich brauch etwas klarheit, sonst muss ich eben paar Wochen warten.
danke im vorraus
Your statements are contradictory!
Of course, the police do not force anyone to a voluntary urine test.
Two years ago, you knew that.
You say:
What yellow card is here. Can you name a link that describes the background of this measure in the use of drugs in road transport?
You want to know:
Where is it written that the value mentioned is allowed?
What could happen to you if you don’t exceed a permitted value?
You write:
This assumption is absolutely wrong!
Right is: Delicts of any kind related to drugs are forwarded by the police to the driving station. For example, a drug discovery in your car that would be classified as minor and not prosecuted.
If the driver’s licence has legitimate doubts about your suitability for driving motor vehicles in public transport, it can completely independently arrange a MPU.
That the value in the blood sample is not a criminal offence, says nothing about your consumption behavior in general. A regular proof of 6 or 12 months gives clarity and is therefore justified to verify the suitability of the test person.
Whether the yellow card becomes a red, decides the final conversation with a traffic psychologist next to the medical examination.
Fact is:
Either there are doubts about the suitability – then an MPU is arranged.
Or there are none. Without a violation, a custody would be legally ineffective!
The option “good luck, but next time………” (Gelbe map) has little room.
This playroom is even so tight that the driver’s licence must exclude any doubt.
If it cannot, the legal consequence is a MPU.
It’s not different.
Okay, at least there’s a specific answer. Unfortunately, our driving position on drugs is very strict. Some who I know have received a MPU due to blood values of 1.5ng/ml.(First blood sampling).
Right I know I can refuse a urine test, but what happens after that? Right, I’m being asked to take blood or I’m doing their tests. The legal value of 1.0ng/ml can be read everywhere, this value is like the promille limit of 0.5. It’s over. Drugs have never been found. Whether I say regular smokes, my degradation product value must be below 75ng/ml. I am classified as an occasional consumer. At the first time, the driving licence wrote that it does not yet see any need for action, but this could change in the event of further incidents or in the event of regular consumption.
The yellow card can be read everywhere on the Internet, was introduced 10 years ago or something for young people who change their behavior, but the yellow card is criticized by many.
Here is a link to the yellow map: page/services+service/yellow+map+bevor+es+zu+weit+gang.html
I just want to know if I get a MPU if I’m under the value because I got a yellow cartw. Doesn’t anyone understand?
At the first time, the driving licence wrote that it does not yet see any need for action, but this could change in the event of further incidents or in the event of regular consumption.
So this is your 2nd chance?
A legal claim cannot be derived from the “Gelben Karte”.
It is also questionable whether the “yellow card” still exists.
I read that it was a project that was limited from 2014 to 2019.
The ‘Gelbe Card’ is a letter of information on yellow paper, which indicates that, when further alcohol-related incidents, crimes, possession of drugs or their consumption or acts with high aggression potential are announced, the suitability for driving vehicles must first be demonstrated by an assessment at a roadworthiness assessment centre.
Road transport law
Article 2
Driving licence and driving licence
You write:
……but the yellow card is criticized by many.
I can absolutely understand that!
An example:
The legal provisions relating to alcohol are clearly and unambiguously regulated.
Leading starter applies: 0.0 Promille – correct?
The “Gelben Karte” means:
….that when acquainting other alcohol-related incidents
It cannot, however, be that a preventive measure is based on applicable law.
The legislature provides for noticeable start-up seminars. The lobe is therefore not immediately away and also an MPU is not arranged.
The participant also does not have to take a test.
The seminar costs money and the trial period is extended from two to four years.
Anyone who makes the driver’s license is sufficiently informed of the legal consequences for violations.
The “Gelbe Map” could also be distributed as additional information material in the driving schools.
The “Gelbe Card” as a waiver of an already committed violation, protects the test person to take responsibility.
Schläger also benefit from the “Gelben Karte”.
…. in actions with high aggression potential….
Can the “yellow card” replace a behavioral therapy or an anti-aggression train? Hardly!
Necessary road traffic: These consequences are possible
Tat: Threatened with violence
Possible penalties: imprisonment up to three years or fine, withdrawal of driving licence, 3 points in Flensburg, driving ban (1 – 3 months)
This is understood by the German case-law of death in road transport:
Already the attempt to kill road traffic is punishable!
The “Gelbe Card” is/was a blow to the face for people who were victims of types that the “Gelbe Card” gives the feeling that everything can’t be so bad.
Let’s see your thing again.
You cannot rely on a right that allows you to drive under drug use as long as a certain value has not been exceeded.
In the case of alcohol, the maximum limit of 0.5 promille applies.
If you are involved in a traffic accident, there are already 0.3 promille alcohol for a co-indebtedness. Whether you caused the accident plays a minor role.
There is therefore no right to alcohol at the tax, as long as the limit has not been exceeded.
No sanctions shall be imposed under 0.5 promille and without special vulnerabilities. That’s a big difference.
Right. The first time they pulled me out of my house 30m. Speaking I couldn’t even drive up a bit, as I only got 30m far. That’s why I feel discriminated. They dragged me out because they probably saw my car standing with a colleague on the previous day and probably pulled me out the next day. I can’t explain myself, but they have been waiting for me and said they were there as everywhere else at checks, even though in my relatively little traffic. So about every hour 3-4 cars🤷🏼 This was certainly not a general traffic control, but a targeted interception. Before that I never had anything to do with the police
There is no compulsion to participate in a quick test.
A blood sample can only be arranged if you show down symptoms during the control or have run out of hand.
Sometimes it is cheaper and less stressful to choose cannabis instead of taking part in motorized road traffic.
Concrete questions about “Gelber Card” can be found by phone at the driver’s license.
Why is everyone telling me that? I’ve been running out, I forgot to mention it, and the others have already told me that. Nevertheless, thanks at the driver’s station, I’m sure I won’t report because people are very unpublished.
In addition, I wrote some suspicions. They were all lying but yes
You don’t make the impression of being characteristically mature enough to run vehicles, Dude.
Not in your hand
the current regulations are absolutely absurd and do not follow a scientific basis. It’s time to change!
The video here could be very interesting for you. In particular, as regards behaviour in traffic controls 🙂
LG Max
Vielen Dank, endlich eine Antwort die mich nicht verurteilt das ich keine Ahnung hätte oder sonst was… 🙏🏻
Never volunteer to test!
There is no value below 1.0ng, since this is the detection limit.
How many times it was called voluntarily, but they had one thought out because I overhauled a car in an unauthorized place…. And, of course, there’s a value under it, can let you get the letter with my first value of 0.7ng.
Sorry, I meant “relevant value.”
It’s past. It can still be helpful for the future.
Anyway, thanks for your answer. I don’t think I’m comprehensible enough.
How long was your last joint here when you had the 0.7ng, had last also blood collection bin occasional consumer the last joint was 16 hours ago with me
Hi wurde 5 mal angehalten jedesmal Blutabnehmen😂. Die 0,7 waren 6h her, hatte dann noch 0,9 nach 24h, 0,6 nach 4 Tagen, 1,2 nach 12 Stunden und 2,5 nach 3h. Mein Kumpel hat komischerweise ein Wert von 3,0 nach 5 Tagen nicht mehr rauchen, aber könnt daran liegen das er Fett ist. Ich erklär mir die Werte so, kommt drauf an wie viel ich gesmoked habe, also auch davor, und wie stark das zeug ist. Neuerdings vermuten wir das es auch auf die Körpermasse ankommt und ob man Sport macht. Jeder Körper baut es halt anderst und unregelmäßig ab.
Wenn du nur 1J geraucht hast und davor auch immer so alle 2 Tage 1 Joint, könnts gut sein das du drunter bist. Aber kann man nie sagen🤷🏼♂️
And another question 😅 how can you be stopped 5 times with 5 times active Thc and you had to make a MPU or how? Or was it all in succession in the 9 weeks until it came to the MPU statement?
Servus du, at your 2.5 ng with 3 h what was that for a lot? Thick j or rather small spliff? Did exactly the same fucking 3.5 h before Mini bubatz smoked out..
Habe die blutergebnise bekommen hatte 1,6 ng aktives thc und 8 ng thc cooc. Bis jetzt aber noch nichts von der führerschein Stelle gehört
Yes I am really excited 😂 hope the car where the samples are delivered is exploded 😜
Yeah, I hope I can laugh about it later. They’ve been driving in the Bullensutos. And I’ve always been a bit more busy because I didn’t think so much about driving and just focused on driving. But if you wish that you are under value, I wouldn’t wish MPU… keep me on running what you had for a value.
Ich finde eh das die ganze Sache mit weed viel zu ernst ist.. weißt jetzt verlierst dein Lappen, wenn’s schlecht läuft auch alles andere.. aber Hauptsache bekifft fährst fast besser als nüchtern 😂 außer du bist so breit das dümmer bist wie ne Stubenfliege
war mir ne Ehre danke für deine Antworten. Ich hoffe du machst es auf Anhieb !
It’s time. I’ve been in the abstinence program for 4 months now, and if you think so back, it’s been a long time, but life goes on and sometime you have your lapel back and can hazen😂🤝🏽
Schaff mer scho irgendwie 😂
Ungeeignet für immer save net😂. Ne mein mit ungeeignet ne MPU. Aber einfach abwarten. Mach dir nicht zu sehr ein Kopf darüber. Kannst locker noch paar Monate fahren. Fang gleich an Clean zu werden und dann kannst direkt wenn Ergebnis da ist mit Abstinenz beginnen. Dann kannste es so lang mit deim Lappen rauszögern, dass du schon fast fertig bist mit der Abstinenz 🤝🏽
I am happy about your advice
Du meinst damit hoffentlich wirklich nur die MPU und nicht ein ungeeignet für immer 😂😭😭
Yes either I come with a blue eye of it or I get completely one on sack MPU with double question…
Du Ich hab ne kuriose Laufbahn die Hälfte der Vergehen wurden nichtmal der Führerscheinstelle gemeldet. Das mit der Trunkenheitsfahrt ist denen bekannt, ebenso der eine btm. Was sie nicht wissen ist das erste mal mit den 0,9 damals hat der Bulle der mich kannte gesagt er schreddert es sprich es wird nicht weitergeleitet( mein Glück ) Und das war alles bevor ich Auto gefahren bin sondern mit dem Mofa… ja ich weiß das des da kritisch sein könnte aber zum Konsum:
rauche mal abends ein joint meistens ein halber 5er den Rauch ich nur zur Hälfte .. Tag davor war’s au nur ein halber mit dem gleichen Zeug
und mit deinem Satz : „Da könnts gut sein das die Führerscheinstelle mal sagt der ist nicht tüchtig ein Fahrzeug zu halten.“ meinst du dann die MPU oder ?
um ehrlich zu sein geh ich eh davon aus …
trotzdem danke dir 🤝
Okay, there’s something else to say. I’ve seen that you’ve been noticeable with cannabis several times, but also with alcohol… It can be good that the driving station once says it is not addictive to holding a vehicle. Say it could also be narrow under value. I’m sorry to tell you, but that’s gonna be pretty close.
I’ll say that, 0.1g is fucking little. I’d even say you were under it. Another important point, when did you last smoke and how is your consumption behavior?
With the yellow card, I also don’t know if what can happen, as far as I know, but they can’t just take your appearance away even if you’re under it again. Down there. Mine once read that is counterfeitable and not even legal, it should be just a “warning”. But I wish you good luck my best. It’s a tough time, but it’s okay. Just go fucked up with work without lapping.
Of course this is all just riddles, but still I would be happy to see an assessment
Very interesting story you 🙂 I’ll explain my case. So at 5:00 a.m. a joint smoked beeeer of that were not even 0.1 gram so really only leftovers from the Grinder so said. Was also not wide was weak stuff.. then 3-3.5 hours later the blood sample from the blues. 5 years ago I was very close to it (0.9) that I smoked 2 thick things on my own in the evening before, so 16 h after consumption so I build quite fast. Do you still believe in the information that I should be about it?
I know you can say badly to wait but it fucks me so off…
The second question was not long. With the 2.5ng, we smoked 2 small spliffs. From the first, I wasn’t even dense because of the 2 J. I may have smoked only 1/4-1/3 per joint, so it wasn’t much and it was so ca. 0.4-0.5. However, my body must also say that THC is expanding very quickly, as I am rather slender and still did sports. The more fat cells you have the higher your value :/
My opinion would be that you are about it, but with you save n half year abstinence (except you have also hung up more often or something has been found). Unfortunately, I have to make 1 year because of the total 6 times 🙁
Moin moin
long ago. I like to answer your question. I was stopped and told me as soon as I got my result I stopped smoking. The result came only after 6 weeks and in these 6 weeks I was stopped another 2 times. The first result was then nix, the other two I had not been notified. Then I was stopped 2 times again and it just fluttered results. From the 5 times I was over two times. Until the driver’s license office once reported with the MPU order/guide license withdrawal, nearly 4 months since the first incident expired.
A colleague of mine was stopped in June, was also above value. He must keep his lapel until the end of January. You will be told that you can leave your driver’s license now voluntarily, or at some point the deadline will end and you will have to give it a fee of a few hundred euros. Doesn’t this happen to the cops and get him. My mate has completely expelled the deadline and was “sick” at his MPU appointment (He reported for an appointment, but couldn’t do it without half a year of abstinence, but with this tactics you can feel out) That’s why he’s been able to keep his driver’s license after the incident for 7 months.
It took me nine weeks before the letter came. 3 months MPU get deadline, which is impossible because I have to make 1 year abstinence and now have to issue driving license.
I don’t understand why everyone’s always taking the test because the police are “threat”? You can sit down and ask for a judge to order them. (the police may not!)
Then it turns out whether the policeman is enough to bring the few evidence to a doctor.
I’ve been driving. That’s why the suspicion was before and as I said, I trembled because I generally tremble and yes. No matter that, not even my question…
Then we are talking about a crime under § 316 StGB and not of an OWI after 24a StVG. You should get a bus schedule.
Poker in traffic control can indeed be worthwhile!
A friend of mine told me that it can be worth refusing the alcohol test if the promille value is in the 0.5 promille limit.
Anyone who has much more intus has no chance. Policemen can guess very well if someone’s drunk.
The problem. If a blood withdrawal was arranged and this is negative, it is probably not so favorable for the police. Especially if the subject has to wait long for the doctor.
Such mistakes must also be attributed to the police person.
If the official has been repeatedly mistaken, it should be a reason why the policeman decides in doubt against the blood sample because he does not want to take the risk of being mistaken again.
But that only really works in the border area. If it works, the driver might have saved himself 1 month driving ban (points) and/or a few hundred.
It’s not nice, but it would also be penalizable, because of a positive blood sample.
Would it be interesting to find out whether it can actually be human disadvantages for the police if they are mistaken more often?
No, because the subject could have avoided error by the voluntary but rejected test. Alcohol was determined by odor, only the amount can be determined so hard;
A number of BPs without result would, however, in fact be crumbling at the official’s image, especially as the subjects could make criminal complaints for violation of the body in the office. (but this is low again, as Pusten would have avoided you KV!)
Ok 👍
from § 316 StGB: alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating agents
Is 316 not drunkenness in traffic? However, it is about cannabis and presumed I am below the value of 1.0ng. Isn’t nobody taking my question or what?
You were illegal all the time, there is this border.
Where did I go illegally? That would be like if you have 0.3 promille, but the value is still under the allowed 0.5. Then you’re not illegal
As I said from 1 nanogram THC you are above the border and you are illegally on/goes an order-worthiness. But I had 0.7 nanograms.