Gelbe Gänseleber?

Beim zubereiten der Weihnachtsgans ist mir aufgefallen, dass die Leber eine ungewöhnlich gelbe Färbung hat. Die Leber hatte allerdings normal Größe.

Das wundert mich, da wir die Gans von einem örtlichen Metzger haben, der seine Gänse selber hält.

Woran könnte das liegen? Und kann ich das Fleisch ohne Bedenken essen?

LG und frohe Weihnachten

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2 months ago

Fatty stick.

if you want to have animals as quickly as possible, you can’t feed them in an appropriate manner.

isn’t that bad, because they don’t get so old anyway that they can get complaining about the following.

We’re all eaten. this has got too much carbohydrates and too little protein – like almost all spring cattle in human attitude.

that is why I have no understanding when someone “saves” a battle. the animal has been malnourished in very young age so that it begins at the latest with four years to fight with the consequential damage.

I would not save such a gans or such a truth or a masthuh – that would be bullying.

you can enjoy your frying in rest – the leber but with this animal please do not eat, but dispose. in normal case, the heart should not look too good.

2 months ago

Maybe the feather cattle were fed with corn, therefore the yellow color. Or ask the peasant or butcher.

2 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

If the goose is fresh: No, no problem. Let you taste it.