Gelassenheitstraining Pferd?
Wie geht ihr beim Gelassenheitstraining vor? Belohnt ihr euer Pferd mit Leckerli wenn es sich die Gegenstände genau anschaut, oder belohnt ihr durch streicheln? Wenn ihr Gelassenheitstraining macht wie lange macht ihr das ungefähr, also wie lange kann das Pferd sich darauf konzentrieren?
Dankeschön schonmal im Voraus
As a professional licker, it depends on which monster is to be practiced. In most harmless monsters, I say: “Is not dangerous” and I am pleased with the successful management with a “Feiiiinn”. I don’t stuff my horse. But if the horse is hesitated and visibly approaching a monster, I praise it together with a treat. Depending on the type of monsterst, if it only makes one step on it.
In front of my riding stable there is a small road where there are several canal lids. For my horse of horror bad. I don’t know why. Maybe it smells the waste water underneath. Anyway, it’s always over. Some time ago, when I had nothing better to do, I went with my horse on my hand to such a lid and could persuade it to put at least one leg on it. That’s why it got a leak.
But I admit that it was with him. Because of me, the horse can do away with the nasty canal lids. If I want from A to B, it doesn’t have to run over.
As I said, I’m not a special ground worker. Don’t be fun.
The photo I upload shows a harmless monster. And is about 12 years old. That poor animal wore the stupid Wintec.
You have to do quite individually with every horse.
I had a RB with a Norwegian for a long time… that was pretty much all irrelevant (where one has to say that his owner has also done a lot of groundwork and circus auctions with him and he really knows many different things). But it was also possible to reward them only with cookies (Noriker stop) – he was also too self-confident to take care of string units. Of course, he was also praised when he managed something new.
Now I’m with a young Island. This is not necessarily anxious but very cautious. With him, I can’t just march on everything like the Norwegian. I have to give him much more time to look at things, to sniff and to leave them for harmless.
It is also preferable for the Icelandic to be stroked for the reward, or to have relaxation massages. If he’s upset, he doesn’t even accept cookies.
In addition, he has often enough new things after 10 minutes. Then you have to take a break. If you put the next exercise on it, it won’t succeed. He’s just young and fast overwhelmed.
So you have to watch your horse exactly and learn to see when it is enough!
I am only rewarding myself with the voice and stroke. As long as the horse approaches or sniffs with interest to the new item, I leave it alone, the attention disappears, I urge it to deal with the item again. What is important is patience and tranquility! If you get hectic and there are no clear instructions, the horse is confused and will not do what it is to.
I reward the animal with a word when it ignores the object.
because that is the aim of the thing.
it must not look for hours and not confront it for hours.
but it is great if it is necessary not to react at all.
Of course, horses are allowed to watch unknown in rest. the lobwort does not come until it turns away unabated.
smoothness training always takes place in between.
my own pony was after about 3 years “hotfest”. one could shoot right next to him with fire, fire a gun or use a bumper.
I praise a lot with voice, even with petting – if a horse likes it – but also with a leak. Gives candidates, that’s just the best thing to do.
I don’t just work for rewards. I’m glad to be praised by the boss, of course, but I also want the salary to be right.