Gel-Nägel nach Weisheitszahn-Op?
Hallöchen wollte fragen ob man 4 und halb Tage nach der Weisheitszahn Entfernung sich Gel Nägel machen lassen darf. Also Beeinträchtigt das irgendwie irgendwas ? Hatte nur örtliche Betäubung und mir wurden 3 gezogen, falls das eine Rolle spielt
You can do it.
Oke thank you!!!
Yes the hygiene with gel nails is not so great.
In the microcracks formed in gel nails, bacteria are pure and multiply.
I’ve always been grumbling when I have to hand someone with gel nails
bruhhhhh so they only have a personal problem with gelling and do not mean that of one impairment?
If you don’t feel it as a disturbing one that grows on your nails.
Everyone has a different sense of hygiene
Bruda I squeeze out the bottom and bre When you say the hygiene everyone feels different why you try to convince me of your opinion
Aha and you believe the bacteria on your nails can’t get into the oral cavity via your squeeze?
as everyone said has a feeling of hygiene on the other hand,
healthy it is not with tooth or toothop.
I don’t eat anything except quetschies you know why ? 😱 because I got my wisdom teeth pulled and even if it’s normal again, I eat either with cutlery or with nem zewa around because I don’t eat a mere butter bread anyway but rather a sandwich that’s not one of my problems.
Do you have your bread with the fork?
I mean, that’s what the question is about whether the nails would do something with me or something. So I don’t get into my fress with the nails where you are “zbsp. Propagating fecal bacteria”, I just think if what would do with my wound