Gekotzt durch high?

Ich und ein Freund haben holländische kräuter mit thc geraucht ich habe ein halben geraucht und er 4 aber ich habe nach einem halben nurnoch bunt gesehen und lag 2 Stunden auf dem sofa ich habe mir Sachen eingebildet und konnte nur richtig verschwommen sehen ich bin aufgestanden und habe 2 Mal gekotzt und habe stimmen gehört die nicht da sind ich wüsste nichtmal mehr wo wir sind. er hat es nicht so krass gespürt obwohl ich sehr an( Hasch) mit thc gewöhnt bin was heißt gewöhnt ich bin da auch komplett weg aber nd so krass am nächsten Tag hab ich 2 joints von den kräutern geraucht aber gar nix gemerkt ich Check das nicht

Wieso hab ich gekotzt

Wieso würde ich am nächsten Tag nicht high und wieso war die Wirkung gefühlt stärker als bei 10 Gramm und dann noch Lsd. Als ich noch ein Zug mehr geraucht habe wurde der joint 10 Mal größer und die möbel auch und näher so hab ich das gesehn

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2 years ago

Hmmm. My sister just described it when she tried it in Thailand. Couldn’t make me reimburse myself, as cannabis usually doesn’t trigger something like that. The only thing I could imagine is a bath trip where you can get in completely.

My colleague does not wear any grass and always has to bite. Maybe you haven’t smoked that potent grass/hash, and that from Holland, you’ve got a full kick.
The voices that I think were just imagination, as you might have had an overdose (yes possible) and you didn’t get clear with it and it was just too much. Hash doesn’t like grass.
But the next day you didn’t notice anything from the same, I can’t say.

2 years ago
Reply to  TheRipper1289

Edit: May be so it was stretched with artificial canabinoids or hold spice/herbs. The choppers are different and it is no longer horny, but since your buddy has smoked 4 joints it can almost not be.

2 years ago
Reply to  Szroxla

Were you in Amsterdam or did you say it was from Holland? Because artificial canabinoides can trigger something like optics as far as I know, but don’t make sense because your buddy had it net

2 years ago

Just watch the Youtube videos and get a picture of it. The strongest drug, however, should be almost fentanyl that is 50 times stronger than heroin

2 years ago

I can’t tell you if it’s the worst. However, it already plays relatively far above.

2 years ago

Well stronger than heroin is relative. You can’t compare it so well. But basically, you took something like a fucking heroin. Like I said a little what makes you completely high, in this amount as you smoked it has been extremely stupid.

2 years ago

Here is a good video:

Just give in to Youtube Spice zombies and you see how people are on it. Just sad

2 years ago

Puhhh hard to say. But even if it had said yes or put it in the same way. It has extremely high addiction potential and can easily get to the grave. Gives some nice videos on Youtube from Spice zombies. Aggressive people on Spice who have complete control losses and are just like zombies.

2 years ago

If you’ve got time, you’ll have the post, you’ll never want to smoke Spice again.

2 years ago

You’ll faint, you’ll get cramps, if you’re bad luck you’re gonna burn blood, and most of you die in a misery. There are many people who died through Spice…

2 years ago

2 grams. I miss the words. If he builds it himself it can be so that it is not so strong. If you had bought potent Spice smoked, you’d probably be dead now.

2 years ago

Young boy… Spice is absolutely not too late. You don’t know how close you have died! Then I don’t wonder why you had such a trip. At Spice, 0.05-0.1g. A piece of tipping out and minimally in front and you’re dead close. I’m just telling you in the good, let the shit stay with Spice… Is far too dangerous before anything if you don’t know about it and have no idea, net mean evil

2 years ago

I just saw you being 14. Let the shit stay in so young years. Just LSD and such a garbage. It just destroys you. Because of me smoke grass, but please do not take “hard” drugs…

2 years ago

If he became unconscious then I strongly tap Spice. A few trains and you’re dead. You’re just lying there, friends of me have also said you’re like on LSD, XTC has optics, has control losses, and you’re no longer hearty about your body. Spice can also end fatal very quickly. It’s not too late. From normal otter you won’t be mad! Throw that stuff away! Did you get it from nem street dealer?

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

In the comments you write that it should have been “Spice”. That would be extremely worrying. At your age, in favour of physical and mental development, no drugs should be taken anyway. But, in particular, no substances as dangerous as these synthetic cannabinoids which are in circulation under the term “species”. There are many different such substances and many of them are really comparatively dangerous.

Herb mixtures: How dangerous are they? STRG_F

When dealing with such substances, you should at least test them so that you can get the best information about what you actually take. This is free and anonymous:

General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can also be found here:

2 years ago

Drugs are bad for you, just don’t do it anymore.

Sounds like there was something else in there.

2 years ago

Why did I cook?

A natural defense function of the body, which in its way tries to get rid of the poison. After that you usually get a bit better

2 years ago

Drugs are crap, the first reaction from the body is always the right and important.