Gekaufter, gekühlter Schokoladenpudding – etwas “Haut” im Pudding?


Habe ein gekühlten, Schokoladenpudding mit Sahne oben drauf, aufgemacht und gegessen. Habe 1x kurz, so 2 oder 3 kleine “Haut” vom Pudding drine gehabt. Kann das vorkommen oder woher könnte das kommen ?

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1 month ago

Hello 🐅 KleinTiger, 🐅 👋

Have a chilled, chocolate pudding with cream on top, made up and eaten.

the pudding has tasted good…😋

Had 1x short, so 2 or 3 small “skin” from pudding in there.

Such a pudding skin is formed on cooling

at the top of a pudding surface when

a pudding during cooling

is stirred continuously. That’s good

watch if you cook pudding yourself.

Can that happen or where could that come from?

This can only happen when cooling

has already formed pudding skin and then only

is stirred. So the pudding skin gets through

torn in pieces and small

pieces of pudding skin then become in

Pudding in. That should not happen

and it’s not normal.

LG 🙋🏻

1 month ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

Thanks for the ⭐

1 month ago

That’s normal.

Pudding pulls a skin on cooling.

Finally, no cream can be filled on hot pudding, which would melt immediately.

In addition, this pudding skin also prevents the cream from dissolving.

1 month ago

Normal. Wouldn’t be normal if it wasn’t.

1 month ago

It’s completely normal.

How does the pudding skin develop?

The pudding skin is a compound of sugar and starch. When pudding cools, evaporates liquid on the surface. The top layer is dried and the infamous pudding skin is solid.

1 month ago

Hi, KleinTiger 😊

Yes, as soon as it is open a bit, a thin skin can form.

You must have eaten the cream already, right?😂😂😂

Greetings, Renate. 😊