Gekauften (gekühlt) Milchreis & Grießpudding im Backofen oder im Topf erwärmen – geht das?
Kann man gekauften Milchreis & Grießpudding aus der Küglung im Backofen (in einer Schale) oder im Topf erwärmen & dann essen oder würde es die Konsistenz verändern oder Geschmack verändern ?
Yes, it changes consistency.
Milky rice becomes more liquid but tastes good.
However, I only tried it with milk rice, just in the microwave because it was too cold.
Try out but stay there, stir well and first on a smaller level.
Thanks for the star. :
I don’t really see why you want to do this.
Take milk, a pot and cook your meal yourself, this is not a great art.
And above all, you know what’s NOT inside and cheaper it’s upstairs.
Its consistency will change prefabricated food to me safety, it would be more liquid and with bad luck the stuff will even get rid of.
Or it gets thicker, I don’t know.
I’ve never tried it before, there’s just too much in it that doesn’t belong to me, and too little of what should be in it.
You can take a pot with warm water and put the cup completely in there. Then it heats up well when you regularly touch it.
The whole thing should become a little more liquid.
I don’t know if the taste changes.