gekaufte gefrorene Früchte vor Verzehr kochen oder abwaschen?

Müssen gekaufte gefrorene Früchte gekocht, oder abgewaschen werden, bevor man sie isst? Ich würde mir gerne ein Eis damit mixen, aber bin dahingehend besorgt.

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

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2 years ago

I’ve always eaten them out of the pack, but I’ve been told that there should be germs on the fruit. I’ve been cooking these for a moment. If there’s something true, I can’t tell you.

2 years ago

Usually, the frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen fruits are already washed before the freezing process and partly even cut to size – similar to the packaged finished salad.

2 years ago

Very welcome 🙂

If the frozen fruits were to be cooked and/or washed before consumption, this would have to be found at least on the preparation instructions on the packaging (or its back). Here, however, it is usually only explained how to sow the fruits. I currently work in the food industry and the food regulations are very strict in Germany, which is why such a hint would be indispensable. As long as there is nothing similar on the packaging, nothing has to be considered.

2 years ago

You can eat them like that. Ne pack of raspberries to wash can already become too rough smoothie. They cook, of course, but with gelling sugar everything else would be pointless.

2 years ago

Can be eaten without problems