Ich habe in einem Bahnhofs-Eiscafe für 2 Kaffee zusammen 6,00 Euro bezahlt- und 50 Cent Trinkgeld extra gegeben-ich hielt das für angemessen-und mußte mir hinterher sagen lassen, das wäre peinlich und geizig-wie seht ihr das?Ich bin der Meinung,wenn man zufrieden war,sind 5-10 Prozent je nach Umfang der Bestellung ausreichend-wäre bei den 2 Kaffee mit 0,50 Euro also etwas weniger als 10 Prozent -ich bin ein sehr großzuegiger Mensch und fühlte mich tief getroffen von dieser Äußerung meiner Begleitung im Cafe-die Bedienung hat sich übrigens gefreut….
Then the accompaniment should add something. 5-10% are common and therefore completely ok.
I’d tell my accompaniment, after all, it’s my decision how much tip I give.
The most terrific, this accompaniment in every more upscale restaurant, her cell phone and photographs her eating and also says loudly:”-is this expensive-“even if a person is invited by me
I’d think about whether I’d go to a local/café with the person.
I personally find such a passive-agressive way disgusting.
has been done, said personi is probably mentally disturbed, no longer speaks to me and I have feared that she is mentally ill in the pathological sense,tippe auf borderline-no ugly of me, no gag
Tipping is not at all natural! That means you could also give 10 cents of tip and you must always be thankful about it because that is not your duty to give something in addition.
50 cents tip for an invoice of 6 € is perfectly fine
Well, 0.50 cents was a little bit
But love meant
8% tips are not little – in USA maybe.
are almost 10 percent of total and benimm rule books say that is enough
they should be happy to get something
In today’s time I find it absolutely not bad and not embarrassing. You gave something. Many people, including me, don’t give anything.
I agree.
€0.50 is slightly more than 8% at €6 and a reasonable tip.
Hab,I clicked,of course helpful-at a meal of 20 euro would have given it 2 euro
I had a service to put my tip back because it was under 5€ 😀
o my gott-war you in the RItz-da I would never have gone back-es
nö eat quite normal pizza, were at 48 euro… the guy said that I can keep.. he felt hurt in his honor.
I also strayed:D and thought “okaaay…” then not..
So d careless and unofficial isn’t the guy…
Of course, the service is happy. It belongs to her job, after all, the customer is supposed to come back.
50 cents is actually a little bit, but we have no duty. So there is everyone as much or little as he wants and it’s okay
is not little, you must all have a lot of money and it was “only” a train station
50 cents listen to a little bit, but if I take that in relation to the total amount, the amount is sufficient.