Geimpft oder ungeimpft sein?
Ich wollt mal fragen ob ihr euch im laufe eures Lebens impfen habt lassen und ob euer MMR Impfschutz noch aktuell ist oder ob ihr Masern durchgemacht habt?
Ich wollt mal fragen ob ihr euch im laufe eures Lebens impfen habt lassen und ob euer MMR Impfschutz noch aktuell ist oder ob ihr Masern durchgemacht habt?
Hallo, ich habe gerade gesehen dass mein Kaninchen (männlich) gerade Stroh im Mund sammelt und buddelt. Sieht so aus als würde er ein Nest bauen wollen… Was bedeutet das?
hi liebe community, ich bin w19 und nur 147cm groß😂 außerdem hab ich nur schuhgröße 31/32 und das sieht einfach so lächerlich aus wenn ich bei freundin bin und die so 38 haben und ich 32😂 außerdem haben selbst die jüngeren geschwister immer größere füße als ich wenn sie älter als 5 sind😂 habt ihr…
und dabei rauchen oder würdet ihr die Kippen wegnehmen?
Türkei Japan USA
Bin jetzt 1.85 60kg möchte aber da ich jetzt als Frau lebe runter auf 57 kg damit ich zierlicher ausehe was ist eure Meinung dazu?
Hey. Ich leide seit Jahren, ich glaube seit anfang von Corona, an einer Sozialphobie. Früher war das eher eine leichte Phobie aber seitdem ich fertig mit der Schule bin, wurde es wirklich extrem. Ich gehe vielleicht noch 6-8 mal im Monat aus dem Haus, um einzukaufen (was mir mittlerweile auch schwer fällt) oder um meine…
At that time, there were no vaccination recommendations from the Standing Inoculation Commission (STIKO).
I don’t know if I had measles as a child, I can’t ask my mother anymore.
Whereas persons engaged in community facilities (such as kindergarten, school, day care, or asylum seekers and refugee shelters), in health facilities (such as hospitals, doctors’ practices) or in certain medical professions must have been employed since 1st. In March 2020, under the Masernschutzgesetz, at least two measles-protection vaccinations or a medical certificate of sufficient immunity against measles can be detected.
But only people born after 1970. In older people, one assumes that there has been a breakdown in childhood. A titer check is not provided for cost reasons.
However, as I am a little bit of a nest, my brethren have been through various “children’s illnesses” before I was born, I was not in kindergarten and, for example, I only had windpox in the middle of 30, I strongly assume that I had no measles.
Happy for you!
I was vaccinated against measles as a child. Titer has never been checked and refreshed, and I know it is not necessary.
Against the first vaccinations, only parents can do something, support or reject it. So most people have probably been vaccinated before. Otherwise, I’ve always been involved in all vaccinations. Because I’m a risk patient, also 4 x corona vaccination. And I will continue to go regularly – in my eyes necessary – vaccinations.
Like me, you didn’t realize that this ridge was probably just about the mascara vaccination.
Right……Edit: I had the measles as a child 🙂
I don’t know 100%, but as a child and as a teenager I had several multiple vaccinations and I mean that there were also measles. In any case, Tetanus and Röteln were there.
As an adult, I got inoculated against FSME (tables) and I also vaccinated three times against Corona, not to be so restricted in recreational design.
You have to let this go
Yes, as I said, when I was a teenager, I had a multiple vaccination where there were in any case rubles. As far as I know, this is the MMR vaccination, which is also vaccinated against measles and mumps. This will probably have been the refreshment vaccination.
The first vaccination I had as a baby, I can’t remember. But I was born in the GDR and there was a duty to vaccinate, so you don’t have to worry about my vaccination status.
I am vaccinated against almost everything, because I am often on a mission abroad and personally believe not to have to go through every dish to get immune.
Tetanus is essential to me, as is FSME.
We had the discussion a few months ago and I thought after 12x you would have finally understood it.
The measles vaccination is carried out 2x and must never be boostered again.
I am
I have the old vaccinations and see that my tetanus is always up to date. To do this, I hurt myself too often (unintentionally natural).
If you have a question, just ask them. Or do you think I can do something about “HÄ”?
Your pre-requisite answers don’t fit.
Why are you sung unimpregnated?
As far as I know everything. Checked annually by the company doctor. Masernivaccination is compulsory in care (born after 1970)
It was vaccinated last time in 2002. What exactly I don’t know when I was getting my vaccination book. Well, the Corona mandatory vaccination I had to do.
Bin 34
I was vaccinated at some point 15 years ago or so against Tetanus and should refresh it after a motorcycle accident, I am unfortunately never going to that date.
Tetanus is still maser
And Tetanus should be made every 10 years – it is quite dangerous
MMR is not just measles.
I believe in Tetanus is a longer period still ok but whatever, as lazy as I am probably never going to do or very late
There are differences of opinion. It also means that the time halved after an accident. In my accident, the entire right side of the body was torn open.
But there are differences between 20 and 50 years.
Ne tetanus every 10 years
As far as I know, MMR hadn’t been in my childhood vaccinations. Another vaccination will not exist as I am now grown up and can decide myself.
You want to maser?
Got everything you usually have and is also up to date(Tetanus). And Hepatitis B was once an action as a child.
Influenza, last year, I had to let out illnesses. After 3x Corona the 4th was not recommended.
I left FSME so far.
MMR is valid for life?!
I think it’s important
Yes, my parents did not let my vaccinations refresh after the child vaccinations
MMR, quadruple vaccination, fsme
Hepertitis and hpv is unfortunately quite expensive
Unfortunately, when I was in the age of measles, there was no vaccination against it.
I had measles as a child. At that time, the vaccination was not common.
Then why did you cross that you were vaccinated?
I have all the other vaccinations. You haven’t been vaccinated against measles 60 years ago.
I wanted to figure out how many people don’t read and get over corona
I also see that:)
I don’t think I’ve read your text to the end as I have to confess.
It would have been better if you had mentioned your main theme in the title.
It’s all about
I think my last vaccination was carried out in the gym during my primary school.
Greeting, JB
What does that have to do with corona?
Your question was as if you were generally inoculated.
The Part -> , and whether your MMR vaccination protection” sounds like you wanted to learn more about the vaccination status for measles.
As far as the measles are concerned, I (and my siblings) had this disease as a child.
Baxter always has only one answer, so this is with the deniers
You should have formulated your question more clearly. So I’m not the only one who understood that differently.
It’s all about
vaccinated and healthy
I’d have to check if I had to get in touch again.
Virtually no one in Europe is completely unvaccinated, someone is lying in the pocket. at the latest in the first wound with earth contact one has received a tetanus vaccination.
You can speak the vaccination again when you are only aware that is mega stupid
Yeah.. you should do that very quickly 😀
had not had any vaccination in my life yet, not even as a child
and I am completely healthy and never had great troubles 🙂
You have no complaints from not inoculation but problems when you get the disease
must not necessarily be and the chances of certain diseases are low
your parents acted extremely irresponsible,
you should repeat the vaccinations as soon as possible at least for Tetanus
my parents didn’t want to let me intrude because they were afraid of all the side effects
and I don’t care, I honestly never thought about it
You profit from the vaccination of the others.
is everyone his own decision I have never really thought about it, I don’t even know if I’m going to be as bad as I call it and if then I don’t even know where he is haha
That explains a lot.
Tetanus is an extremely disgusting painful and long-lasting death
then be thankful that it is not so and done 🙂
It’s like we have a huge problem if everyone thinks like you.
Oh, well, get some blood poisoning and just ask what this could be before you call a doctor.
Yes because many are vaccinated