Geigenkenner Empfehlung zum Kauf?
Ich habe mich eintschieden eine Geige zu kaufe. Gebraucht wäre wohl am besten.
wie findet ihr diese Geige?
Kann ich mir das kaufen oder kennt ihr bessere Angebote? Vielleicht sogar eine neue zulegen?
Preislich 100 bis max 200. Bin Neuling, aber sehr begeistert vom Instrument schon seit Jahren und heute beschloss ich mich endlich, damit anzufangen!
Play yourself violin and bought mine 4 years ago at a violin maker.
The violin that is to be seen is in my opinion a modest industrial violin from China, which has a probably bad sound and is badly playable for newcomers.
Do you learn the instrument at a music school? There you could borrow a violin a lot.
In general, I would buy violin maker, because there you get comet advice and can also try different violins. Costs clearly, significantly more…
Hope I could help you.
Sry, for spelling 🤣🙈
These china violins are usually barely playable.
Hands away from it would be out of money. A viable violin costs a lot more, also needed. For little money, it’s only sensible to rent a violin with the violin maker, which you need anyway!