geige für 100 euro oder günstiger?
Hallo ich bin 14 Jahre alt und ungefähr 1,70 m groß. Ich möchte mir selber Geige Spielen beibringen und, weil ich nicht viel Geld habe wollte ich fragen ob mir jemand eine Geige für 70 bist höstens 100 euro empfelen kann?
Yes there are violins used under 100€ e.g. at Ebay
But it has a reason why these are so favorable, the quality is modest.
And to teach violin is inconveniently difficult.
My tip:
Find a teacher or a music school where you can also borrow an instrument.
unfortunately would be a teacher for adventure,but thanks for the tip
What’s too expensive about it? How much money do you have at your disposal?
Buying a violin and then putting it in the corner because you can’t learn it is also waste.
Why do you think there’s violin?
They’re pretty nice.
Ask your parents?? They pay in normal circumstances!
since I am 14 and until next year unemployed is only 30 euro per month
I like the challenge
No, that’s the worst thing you can do.
Such cheap violins have a very poor quality. One must Good can play so that the violin at least sounds reasonable.
Cheap instruments are a frequently made mistake of beginners and ultimately often the reason why you stop again -> it does not sound beautiful.
Especially with the violin, where it takes a long time before the result sounds acceptable, you should stop it no case make even harder by taking a cheap violin.
Go to a violin maker, there you can rent a violin.
With insurance this is around 20€ a month.
This brings you far more than any sound.
Even if you are limited to your 100€, you have a professional violin for 5 months. This is more than enough time to find out if the violin is anything for you at all, to learn a lot and to decide if you want to invest more in this hobby.
Great answer! Just true
100-€ violins are great to fire them or to use them in winter as a toboggan and in summer as a tennis racket.
Anyone who thinks they can teach themselves will end up with the viola or the MP3 player.
Therefore invest in a good violin from the Geigenbauguru and a teacher. If your budget isn’t enough, it’s better to postpone it for a few years if you work and have income.
Poor bastard!
Would recommend Ebay.
look at the Thomann and look at the top selling violins
look for used
in the case of used people, you can never be sure if everything is healed.
Better a used one with a few macks than the absolute full scrap new…
So unfortunately I can recommend nix because I myself have no violin or play, but you could enter with amazon violin and then determine the price range
There are also packete with violin and books to learn
Here’s one I just found:
Better take a music retailer like Thomann
Would also like to visit a music business rather than support Amazon
If you don’t even play violin yourself, you should leave it. that’s a world for yourself. You have to get in. Cheap violins are a no-go!
Ahhh! For 81 euros a violin with bows, suitcases, notestands and firlefance… let it stay, that’s unmissed money. Honestly, this is something that looks like a violin. What is the additional web supposed to do? A web must be adapted by the violin maker. A set of strings, fine! Cheap violin strings cost around 40€. You might get a halfway usable bow for 150€.