Geht sowas? Entwicklung? Psyche?

Kann man durchs lesen von Büchern oder durchs austauschen mit anderen , die geistige Reife erlangen, die z b eine 40 Jährige hat ?

Kann man den Erfahrungs Prozess irgendwie beschleunigen ?

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5 months ago

Is it possible to read books or exchange them with others who gain spiritual maturity which z b has a 40 year old?

I know what you mean. It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible. If this really goes, it comes to very special situations that happen randomly and where everything fits together. I was actually opened in the eighth grade by a teacher, I was only visually a teenager, but humanly rather the nice older gentleman so at the end of 50, and another teacher compared me a little later seriously with Alfred Biolek, who then moderated a very respected talk show in the ARD (“Boulevard Bio”).

I grew up with my grandpa, got to know many people of his generation, and from my own way I am perhaps the gediegen, the calm and serene – everything comes together: The character, the education, the environment, the role models that arise from the environment … my role models were consistently very friendly, sincere, calm men with great warmth, serenity and gift, even to remain silent. But I never forcated it – it just turned out that way.

Whether you are such a radiance and human knowledge etc. I don’t know how to train about books – you can try to get in such a way, but life experience and human knowledge come more with the years. At about 27 years, I had a huge momentum, with about 30 the process was completed – if I think about it. There I had seen and experienced a lot, a period council behind me, professionally well-founded and a lot behind me.

I have also read books such as “Don’t worry – live!” by Dale Carnegie (a classic that has been reopened and is very good since the 50s) and “Simplify your life” by Werner Tiki Coastmacher as well as the books Jorge Bucays – but these were, if at all, only sugar pieces on the way that my grandpa and my environment and TV people like Alfred Bio have seen.

However, there are also people around the 40 or far beyond that are simply scaryly immature, childish (not childish, but childish), primitive, embarrassing and unpleasant – the current generation is partly a bit strange. There are quite great people, but also those who seem to have stayed at 17/18 and perform like drunk Kiddies in the hippodrom or something. Well, the one like that, the other one.

5 months ago

I think so. Even if you make a lot of travel, etc, this already accelerates maturity. Conversely, you can only baptize in the youth or play only computer games and you will stay quite in the development and if you do this up to 40 you are not necessarily farther than someone with 20.

5 months ago

Both. It’s good for self-confidence because you have to get clear in a foreign country alone. It is good for the brain because it quite different impressions other culture other fauna other climate was taking other area. Often it is also good for health because you enjoy the holiday and in time you do not hang in front of the computer or the TV or at least not so much.