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3 months ago

This isn’t a stimulant. You either ate something wrong or a gastrointestinal flu.

Precious for a few days. By the end of the week you should be fit again.

3 months ago

Irritation intestine would be a long-lasting (chronic) disorder of digestion, cause usually unknown.
You’re writing a little bit of acute. Can heal within days, but don’t have to.

You can get coal tablets in the pharmacy: they absorb poisons and pathogens from the intestine. And don’t hurt.

For the first time I would eat 1 – 2 days, instead drink a lot, as sweetened as possible and with salt (equals the loss of liquid and mineral material). Alternatively, there are glucose-electrolyte mixtures in the pharmacy, e.g. Elotrans.

3 months ago
Reply to  FLotte50

I wouldn’t say anything to eat. I would just eat food and things that are good/light digestible. I would also do without fat and heavy food.

3 months ago

In acute diarrhea, doctors often recommend a so-called food cancer. It is best for the stomach and intestine and everything can calm down.

3 months ago

It can take a little.

3 months ago

It doesn’t necessarily have to be an irritable intestine, but it might be a gastrointestinal flu. When this goes away? If you eat accordingly, drink a lot, but eat nothing. In the intestinal influenza Zwieback and salt bars, tea or cola ( controversial, I think). In such times I prefer peaches from the can. Slips well, contains vitamins, tastes. Otherwise, if this happens with your intestine for a long time: from the doctor. You better not ignore that.

3 months ago

Sounds more like a stomach infect for me, norovirus or something bad eaten. Something can take a couple of days, try using home remedy or go to the doctor or to the pharmacy.

Irritation intestine is a diagnosis that the doctor poses when you can exclude all other causes. That’s not happening (mostly) anymore.

3 months ago

If this is a flu, it can take about a week. If only something spoiled has been eaten, which the stomach does not wear, it takes about three days to regenerate the stomach.

3 months ago

Actually, you should be better in the next few days. If you still have complaints, you should consult a doctor.

3 months ago

You don’t get a charm intestine from today to tomorrow.

However, in your question, it sounds more like you have an infect and this one only since yesterday.

Bone broth, drink a lot and pay attention to your minerals.