Geht Kanna/Mesembrin auf die Niere/Leber?

Ich habe im Internet schon häufiger davon gelesen, dass es Schäden bei der Niere und/oder der Leber verursacht. Von dem Risiko des Serotonin-Syndroms bin ich mir bewusst, jedoch finde ich im Internet keine seriöse Quelle in der steht, dass Kanna die Niere oder die Leber belastet. Ich habe ein Extrakt bestellt und mir damit eine Tinktur gemacht. In welchen Abständen kann man ohne Vorerkrankungen unbedenklich Kanna konsumieren?

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1 year ago

Mesimbrin is, as far as I know, not suspected of causing liver or kidney damage. The pure substance is more harmless than the product Kanna, since oxalic acid is formed in the plant due to an unusual metabolism. The plant Skeletium Tortuosum is dried and fermented, with a large part of the oxalic acid being degraded. Oxalic acid can cause kidney damage at high concentrations. So it is important at Kanna to buy a high quality product. Of course, the alkaloid would be best as a pure substance, but I do not know that. About the safest minimum distances between consumption is not much known, but considering that many take it as an antidepressant daily and report few of side effects should be harmless 1-2 times a week.