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What BTS concert? You’re in the military now. 🥲
The bts.ev aligns the Sci.con in Berlin. That was yesterday and has to do with the band bts nix 😝
No, but would like
Yes I also
What BTS concert?
They are currently under military obligation.
Expert 😎
nööööööööö, in no way irritates me
What BTS concert? … no tomorrow…
Not this year… Where did you get that info? You’re in military
No, but lots of fun to all those who go
You can’t. Since when do we have concerts at this time?
Today? o_O
Where is that supposed to be?
So I’m back in 2025. Invitation to the Meet&Greet (meaning meeting) in Berlin I already have…
But until then there is still time!
But still: Today? o_O Where? o_O Did I miss something? o_O
No today is not a concert they are military obligation and therefore you are right at 2025
Nee, K-Pop is not mine…
Today there is no BTS concert.