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I like to go to small live concerts by unknown artists, because the feeling is very good.
I love it in German and if an artist or a band convinces me, then I always go back and forth as with Subway to Sally, Saltatio Mortis, Last instance, Versengold, Feuerschwanz, Coppelius and Snow White.
I’ve been at more than 100 live concerts in the last 20 years. At festivals, however, only several times at the M ́era Luna.
Thank you for the star.
I was on concerts by Rammstein, Backstreet Boys and Maneskin. This year I go to The Rose and The Antwoord. My dream concerts would be BTS and Bruno Mars. :
I like to go to concerts! Especially K-Pop and J-Rock, but also J-Pop likes.
Yes. So far, I was with Namika, Against the Current, VNV Nation, July and Dead Can Dance. I would like to go to Depeche Mode, Within Temptation, Ed Sheeran and Pink again :)). So you can say well, my music taste is very diverse. As far as music is concerned, however, I am enormously influenced by my parents. We are generally a very musical family.
I love concerts so far is planned this year:
3x Bulgarian Cardtrader
5x fox
1x Stemstone
1x Coldplay
1x Adele
1x cross-beat
1x (if it counts) 3 days Summerjam
at the end of the year there will be some more
Oh okay wow these are many
I’m also Coldplay concert this year and I’m just looking forward to it 🙂
Coldplay ish great! Was 2022 1x there (yet seat) now I have a floor space with early entry….to experience everything in the first row
Mega geil 😍
Rock and also with my wife for classical concerts.
Got tickets for Gaslight Anthem in March and was last week at 2Flügel.
Ah nice! I’m looking forward to the Coldplay concert in Vienna on August
That’s what I’d be looking forward to.
Yeah, especially if you got as good as the last cards…
Yeah, rock, metal and classical.
this year definitely
I haven’t been on a concert yet. The last two were DJ Bobo and Dieter Bohlen.
No, with which the answer to the second question is unnecessary 😉