Geht ihr bei dem Wetter indoor oder outdoor feiern?
Hey, bin mir nicht sicher was ich heute machen soll, Beachparty oder Disco?
Das Wetter ist natürlich voll für Beachparty aber da war ich jetzt schon oft. Disco ist halt indoor aber iwie hätte ich Bock mal wieder zu geilen Beats abzudancen.
Hey, Nati.
Why not both?? I’m going to a BBQ&Chill beach party with Steffi today. There is also cool mucke and dancing in the sand. We’ll stay there until we get high enough, then we’ll head over to my house to dress up and move, and then we’ll go to Mad Roxy to the Satanic Night. They also have ne cooole outdoor lounge there even if we will spend most of the time there indoors.
Why take only one if you can have two??
Sounds like a cool plan to ðŸTM‚ does Steffi come in to Mad Roxy?
Sure, if Steffi is really up, she comes in everywhere
much fun
I always find Beach Party super
At discos and clubs you must have the right people
You’re sure you did.
Party in warm rain I don’t think so great now, so I’d rather celebrate indoors.
I like to make it naked beach party to dance horny beats.
Depends on which part of Germany you live if above Frankfurt a M. then beach party, because the warm temperatures will no longer be too long.
Use weather