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Because I like music and I love to watch people, especially the pretty ones;)
And I like to move to music and the drinks are delicious…
I have made the early excessive, but in recent years it has been asleep, as people who would go along and I am just too old 😉
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I myself don’t drink alcohol 😅… It just doesn’t taste me
I’m only sick for one and a half years, had no headache for years and many more advantages…
If I go to the Cannstatter Wasen in Stuttgart for example, I got my ear tested by a doctor, it’s pretty good
No, I like to and I’m more like that person sitting on the sofa in the evening and watching TV. ✨😊
LG Maike
I don’t really like it when many people are on a spot.
🍀 Sometimesscarry
I’m more a reputable person who prefers to be at home instead of in clubs or at parties
I’m young and have some fun. But I generally do very little drinking
I don’t feel comfortable in larger groups of people and I hate the music. Don’t understand the meaning behind it
The sucker is sucked, but it was beautiful times. Enjoy your youth as long as it goes
it is no longer what it was like 20 years ago
It’s been a long time.
Not really interested in this
I don’t need it
I am too young
Only once or twice a year
Otherwise only night services
I’m not the guy.