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If I want to go well, I’ll go to a nice restaurant and not to a fast food shop.
Dise gud said 👍
Well. If I want to eat GUT, I spontaneously have 10 alternatives. But if I want to eat a fast food burger, I prefer Burger King to any other fast food chain known to me.
No, if I want to eat well, I’ll eat what my mom cooks.
Go to eat well and Burger King do not fit together
Good food and Burger King/ Mc Do are at least for me 2 different things.
I never go there in principle.
you can eat well in a restaurant or house, but not in a quick snack
Define well…
I’d rather go to a restaurant that doesn’t belong to “system gastronomy” because there is the quality and taste of food and justifies prices.
“People eat shit, billions of flies can’t be wrong!”
No- because I prefer nothing \./
I’d rather go container than eat Burger King!