Geht gerade eine Erkältung rum?
Guten Abend, ich glaube mich hat es ein bisschen erwischt. Ich habe Halsschmerzen, mein Ohr juckt und tut etwas weh beim schlucken, Schnupfen und minimal Knochenschmerzen.
In meiner Familie sind sonst eigentlich alle gesund und von meinen Bekannten hat auch niemand eine Erkältung, deshalb wundert es mich 😑
Cold or Corona. I’ve got Corona right now, and that’s a big deal right now.
Do you have serious symptoms? :/
So with me it’s just sniffing and yesterday I had limb pain and a little throat pain
It started with collars, totally harmless. Then it became more and coughs came to it, then at some point sniffing, crushing and the sense of smell and taste are affected. Not as strong as my first Corona infection almost two years ago.
Thank you. With me, the test was slightly positive. I’ve done three, all of them were clearer. Yesterday another one that was directly positive. So no doubt.
Oh, okay, I wish you a good improvement. I haven’t made a test yet
Yeah, it’s just going around, it’s as many sick as they haven’t been. You probably have summer flu. I had four weeks ago.
Again Corona?😑
No, just normal summer flu. No corona.
Yeah, it can be good. Especially by changing rainy and hot days you can cool yourself quickly.
A cold is quite normal.
I’m just wondering if that’s just going around? Is rather untypical about the season
Yeah, it’s just going around, it’s as many sick as they haven’t been.
There is always a cold, though more in winter, but also in summer there are infects.
You may have tasted the advantages of air conditioning too much and therefore you have cooled down.
Good improvement!
No I don’t even have air conditioning
But maybe in the car?
Or in supermarkets too long?
No. Then maybe from the train
At the moment a strong Corona wave goes around but the symtomes are very mild.
This would be measured in waste water.
Oh, but fortunately the last time Corona had only a mild course and I think there is worse
In any event
How do you know?
Because this is supposed to cure the variants of the Corona virus.
Yeah, I’ve always had a milder course. How do my symptoms sound?
I wish you my cold conditions were always terrible.
Angocin was actually the game changer for me years ago – would probably be something for you at the moment.
Good improvement.
Because I’m just sniffing and like a normal cold?
Shouldn’t you be like a “normal cold” today
Why are you so sure?
Ok hasn’t done a test yet, but no matter if I have a mild course
Yes, a flu and also corona with new variants.
Is there another Corona variant?
Two “big / frequent” and hundreds of sub-variants (of which there are now more than 2000).