Geht es nur mir so?
Ich habe einfach nie Lust am heiligen Abend mit der Familie meiner Freundin am Tisch zu sitzen will immer mein eigenes Ding machen es hat mir früher schon nie Spaß gemacht mit meiner eigenen Familie da zu sitzen. Ist das normal hat jemand das gleiche Problem.
Maybe it’s not fun because it’s mandatory.
Could be anything else I love with friends away with my girlfriend making a nice day excursions,
What’s so bad about it?
I always like to spend the evening together with the family. Cosy sitting together, etc.
I also don’t know it feels like I have to stay at the table on compulsion until it’s finally over and I can do it again, what I’m lusting.
Is that what you’re doing with the family or with all people? So I mean there are people who prefer to be alone.
I myself have a social phobia which is why the time with several people is exhausting. Still, I enjoy the moments with my family.
You never know how long you have it.. so now in relation to the grandparents. There’s every moment precious.
Try it. It’s not there to annoy you. You are a family (at least you belong to your girlfriend)
And honestly, if you just need 5 minutes of air in between, get out. You have to go to the bathroom or something.
And after that, you relax.
You can also talk to your girlfriend in advance that’ll be too much for you and you need a break. Then she knows that if you just get out of here for 5 minutes.
I’ll also look that I get to take out the posetive from the situation
Only in these families
Don’t worry, you’re feeling like that. But maybe you can, for your friend, stay with you.
That’s the point.
You can also tear together once a year and stand together with others.
Yeah, but why isn’t that fun at all, but I’m still doing it.
Because you are negatively adjusted, why always and so can’t see the positive at all.
It’s your friend’s family. You just go along and experience a nice day instead of seeing everything negative. Or do you want to ruin your relationship for something like that?
Ne you’re right I’ll look at my thoughts to change this because I really love my girlfriend 🙂