Geht es euch auch so?
Dass ihr flüssige Nahrung nicht ausstehen könnt? Wenn ich jetzt Spaghetti Bolognese mache, dann schmeckt mir das erst, wenn ich es schon dickflüssig gemacht habe, mit wenig wassergehalt. Je mehr Wasser enthalten desto schwieriger ist es für mich, das zu essen. Geht es euch genau so?
Bolognese sauce, which is poured over spaghetti in Germany, is very liquid. Ragù bolognese, which is made in Italy into Eierteig-Bandnudeln (tagliatelle), is never liquid, but rather consistent. I would therefore recommend making a ragout and not a sauce. Everyone is free to cook what he prefers.
I like to eat soup, but a sauce must be fat. Also Bolo I thicken with edible strength. I hate it when the water is on the plate and nothing of it sticks to the noodles.
No. I also drink partly proteinshakes or liquid food
No, I love soups too!
Soups aren’t my thing. I can only eat solid food. Fish and meat must be fried. Lg