Geht es dabei um die Angst vor fremden?

Hallo, darf ich fragen ob deine Angst mit den fremden Schülern zu tun hat? Ich würde selbst auch nicht gerne ein (Schul)Lehrer werden. Berufsschule oder anders wo die älter sind fände ich noch ok.

LG Krawda

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9 months ago


thank you for your question!

The anxiety disorder I have is called agoraphobia with panic disorder. They’re scared,

  • leaving the house,
  • to stay in public places,
  • entering department stores or shops,
  • to be in crowds,
  • to be cinemas or confined spaces,
  • to travel by train, bus or plane.

With me this is so that as soon as I get into the situation, I get scared and high tension. This is expressed in me, for example, by dizziness and humility. It’s been a lot better. I couldn’t leave my apartment at the beginning, so I can even drive bus.

The school certainly had to do with the fears that could develop at all. Less the pupils are the problem, but that you always have to afford and never have a break or evening and are permanently under observation, especially as a young teacher.


9 months ago
Reply to  Krawda

Exactly, my therapist has also explained to me that this is an evolutionary thing, which is actually very useful, but then turns on in objectively safe situations.

Yes, I have a great environment and I am also in my treatment very well:)