Geht es auch ohne Mathematik?
Hallo ich möchte gerne eine Abendschule besuchen, weil ich mein Schulabschluss nachholen möchte, für eine Ausbildung. Das Riesenproblem ist das ich bei Mathe seehrr schlecht bin. Also bei Mathe/system, habe ich null Ahnung. Das macht mich viel Traurig. Ich habe x mal Nachhilfen besucht aber vergebens. 💔. Und nur wegen diese schei*** Mathe, konnte ich mein Hauptschulabschluss und Ausbildung, NICHT machen. Dadurch bin ich sehr gelitten. Heute immer noch. Ich höre in meinem Umkreis, das meine bekannten schon tolle Ausbildung hatten. Und wenn ich das höre, fließen mir die Tränen. Ich habe wirklich mich sehr bemüht in der Schule. Habe mich immer gekämpft gekämpft. Leider habe ich verloren 😢. Meine Frage wäre, ob es auch Ausbildungen gibt, ohne Matheerkenntnisse?. Bin für jedes Antwort sehr dankbar.
Did you let yourself be investigated for weaknesses? There is a disadvantage compensation.
I guess there’s no other way around.
What exactly was problematic in math?
Sometimes and divided was difficult.
Basic calculations? That’s fundamental.
Multiplication is just a little smarter plus calculation and division is almost divided.
Did it just fail?
No. Mathe is everywhere and fundamental. But it will be exaggerated everywhere. What do you need integrale? I don’t know! It’s just as stupid at university. Not only in physics you need to learn statistics, but also in psychology. Why??!??? Don’t understand. I swore after school that I never had anything to do with math again and that’s why I won’t study at university, even if that means staying poor forever. Sch* on math!!!
The FS talks about the main school leaving where mathematical basics are taught. You’re talking about High Level and Abitur. That this is a completely different house number is clear.
But you should have the fabric of the main school.
I understood the FS talking about Abitur.
Statistics are essential in all medical professions, including in psychology. Most of the causes of diseases or effects of drugs can only be summarized by statistics. And how fast a wrongly evaluated statistics leads to completely wrong conclusions!
No, wrong. You don’t need to calculate a standard deviation to understand how well a drug has helped with 100 people! This is simply a harassment to put students on this and is also due to the fact that you want to select students and the demand for studying is huge anyway. Statistics is completely out of place in psychology. Dif it is important in sociology, you have to accept, yes. Psychology also really consists of far more than drugs. Psychologists are not psychiatrists.
Apart from this, there are calculators, computers, IT specialists, mathematicians and co. – there is no rational reason why a psychologist today has to calculate manually integral invoices. Much more, the problem of completely fake statistics from pharmaceutical companies should be tackled rather than to solve small-scale mathematics equations. It’s completely far from reality BS!
Poor studies are not primarily recognizable by mathematics, but rather by other things. Group size, client, financing, scientific methodology. A bad study is recognizable for a layman and has nothing to do with high mathematics. Journalism in psychology studies would therefore be of much greater value. That’s exactly what the students are not taught.
I don’t know. How do you want to recognize bad studies if you don’t master the craftsmanship?