Geht an meiner Scheide irgend etwas kaputt?
Ich ruble mit einem Stift an meiner Scheide und nach 40 Sekunden fühl ich mich ausgeglichen und befriedigt an. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir sagen, ob das normal ist. Übriges ich bin 12 und habe meine Tage noch nicht.
Ideally it is not because the pin has corners and edges that can hurt your mucous membrane. And it’s hard to clean. If you’re satisfied with your slip, it’s not that bad. But for self-satisfaction there are toys that are really safe and intended for it. They are now available at DM and Rossmann. Or you can get a voucher card and order a toy online. There is no risk of injury and you can really have your fun. 😀
This is just a kind of self-satisfaction.
However, the choice of a pen is not the smartest because so you risk injuries and infections as this is very unhygienic. Use best your washed fingers to satisfy you or use specially provided sex toys (givings in any drugstore).
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Thank you very much
Yeah, it’s normal. You can try kissing if you want.
There are many ways to satisfy yourself, that is normal.
Whether it hurts you is a matter of intensity.