Does Boruto belong to the Otuzuki?
And is he actually evil, is he even still a human being
Putting aside all the anime nonsense, I think Rick should be the strongest character. Do you have any arguments against that? Do you know a character who could defeat him?
I know there's a three-week break, but there was another episode this week. So, starting today (31.03.24), there will be no episodes for three weeks?
Hello I've been looking for a romantic anime for days, but I don't find the protagonists particularly appealing. They should look normal. It's important to me that the protagonist is cute, and she should be blonde or redheaded. She should look something like the one from Tonikawa or Toradora. The man should just be normal…
So an Ootsutsuki is in Boruto, no he’s not evil at all. But as soon as Boruto uses or faints, he risks the Ootsutsuki taking him and then going through evil things.