Gehören Nüsse zu Obst?
Sind Nüsse also Obst
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mit Fleisch. was ist da am kalorienärmsten?
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Was war bei euch die größte Überschreitung des MHD, bei dem das Lebensmittel noch gut war? Beim mir Popcorn zum selber machen von 2013.
It is difficult to answer, as both terms are used very unsharply in terms of their language.
In terms of languages, we mean nuts seedlings, fruits or parts thereof, where we eat what is within the hard shell. The protein and oil content is usually high, the sugar content is low.
Botanically, the term “nut” is well defined, it is about which tissues are involved in the formation of the hard shell:
When you go after that, some will fall out, which we all assign to the nuts: Replies/warum-ist-die-erdnuss-keine-nuss-100.html
The article mentions that our classification is also based on how we use the respective fruit. This is also the decisive criterion for fruit, which is not clearly defined. Botanically there is not the term. We usually understand fruits that you eat raw, but less than salads or vegetables, but rather sweet. But, of course, there are plenty of overlaps: apple red cabbage, chicory salad with oranges, cranberries to wild, …
Whether one counts the nuts to the fruit is not compelling, but possible in this unsharp term. There are also “shell fruit” on my stray fruits: walnuts and Estonians.
Good question. I thought fruits were fruits from flowers like apples, pears, cucumbers.
Then someone said they weren’t cute. That’s vegetables.
But nuts? Don’t be sweet, but I don’t think it’s vegetables.
According to Google, there are pods of fruit.
Peanuts, but not walnuts!
Yes, however, according to google, there are also so-called “stone fruits” which include e.g. Almonds, pistachios and pecans.
Here is something from Wikipedia to the Pecans:
Pecannussbaum, another spelling is Pecannussbaum, is a plant species of the Hickory within the family of walnut plants. He is native to North America and supplies the pecans.
So I thought the nuts were a genus but according to Google nuts actually belong to the category fruit
I found this on Google:
All fruits and seeds, whether cultivated or growing wild, fall under the denominator “fruit” if they can be eaten raw
No, nuts are nuts.
Do you mean a separate category?
Question back: Are strawberries fruit? If so, then it’s nuts too… Because strawberries are actually nuts..
would count nuts