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1 year ago

Someone looks too often the cheap “Doku” formats of cable1, ntv & Co.

These are cheap broadcasts produced by any “Hilliebillie” TV stations in the middle west of the USA… Actually, for uneducated amys.

Of course there are certain secrecy for objects such as “Area 51” (only one outside of the Edwards Airforce Base)

…but not because there are super-tolle secrets. Arrea51 is always a honey pot. (You let the observers see what they want to see… UFOs, colorful lights, “secret” prototypes,… what the heart desires.) Great theatre with a lot of pavilion…

Whenever any “invesigatives”, reporters, would-be scientists find something sensational there, they put their feet on the desk in Langley and in the Pentagon….😴🤭

I don’t know what’s really secret in this world. The things that everyone knows around the world can look down onto which each one has a satellite are of course wonderfully suitable to get rid of any Papnas.

…and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few servers that are deliberately made available as “toys” to any scriptkiddis and “Hackerzzzzz😅”. I hacked Arrea51… The evidence : I have downloaded UFO files…)

What is happening in tests for prototypes of arms companies in the widths of the middle west is probably better to observe from satellites than from the ground.

The secret documents for such technology should not be found in Langley, Pentagon or any other government agencies. These are the secrets of the companies, and they are with Boeng, Lockheed and “what does the Fox know?”… any suppliers…

1 year ago
Reply to  eineFrage2811

many docuses over it

Nothing against good docu formats made by established scientists, but if huge Brimborium is made for things that can be easily answered with a few logical considerations, it has nothing to do with docu, but entertainment and dissemination of stupidity.

Look at when the conspiracy docuss were produced… some 10.20 years old stuff…

We live today in a time when almost every person has unrestricted access to the entire current knowledge of the rest of humanity. It is not a problem to access the research data of any university. almost every doctoral thesis is published. There are billions of studies, calculations, explanations that explain our world without unsharp photos/videos.

But they are very difficult to digest for uneducated people.

A good scientist is rarely a good educator … (there are a few)

…but whoever believes sober, teacher explanations and Okkham’s Rassier knives.

However, it is much more interesting when a lot of variables and assumptions are projected into a question. The whole is provided with a conspiracy aura and, of course, a lot of colorful beet mill-like blurred images are spiced.

This is how we tell campfire stories.

Would I have a lecture at the campfire Position I think you’d burn Its development has more potential for a good history than any UFO. But there are no aliens in it.

I don’t know if you can only reach campfire stories?

If you are interested in the ventilation of real “secrets” and you don’t want to run around in the archives of hundreds of universities… There are excellently worked-up reports from all areas of science, without hacking…

1 year ago

who or what is the secret protection?

1 year ago
Reply to  eineFrage2811

it would have to be assumed that they are state actors and that they would not publish these data. Since the Area51 test site for the B52 was for example, this data would then be supplied to the own armaments industry/military. If you’re thinking about UFOs now… even if there was something (score word gruschdebatte), today it wouldn’t be there anymore. You will not find it so quickly, but the indirect observation of the current movements around the congress are very interesting.

1 year ago

Stuxxnet, who hacked Iranian nuclear production has cost NSA several millions of dollars and a collaboration of large teams with different specialization over a longer period of time requires that even more expensive information resources could access. U.S. secret services should act again at a significantly higher security level…. sometimes there is nothing. Such a thing is not hosted on any Amazon cloud and such information would certainly be hidden behind one or even several airgap systems with strict information flow control (for the reason I also don’t believe the story with the alleged Ukraine leak so much with the released one that wanted to pral with data).

Everything else is Hollywood.