Geheimnis verraten – bitten nicht weiterzuerzählen?
Ich hab von ner Kollegin (ist ihr ebenfalls “rausgerutscht” und meinte, ich soll nichts sagen) eine Sache über ihre Kollegen aus ihrer Abteilung erfahren.
Im Zuge eines Gesprächs mit einem anderen Kollegen aus meiner Abteilung hab ich diese Sache aber erwähnt.
Nächste Woche muss der Kollege wegen was ändern zu den Kollegen aus dieser anderen Abteilung gehen. Jetzt hab ich Angst, dass er irgendwas erwähnt.
Ist es eigtl. okay dem Kollegen drum zu bitten, nichts davon zu erwähnen?
Is it bad and childish to write about it?
It is understandable that you are worried, but it would be helpful to explain to your colleague in a respectful way that the information was confidential and you should not pass it on to your colleague. You could ask him to keep it for himself. At the same time, it is important to realize that you do not always have control over what others do. In order to avoid such situations in the future, it might be advisable to share information even more selectively.
So I can just tell him that the colleague slipped it out and asked to say nothing?
Or is it vaguely better to say that I assumed it wasn’t “private” and that it was okay to tell. And that the info did not come from the affected colleagues themselves, but from them and I do not know how the others see it when they hear it from the third side?
Well, the famous hall radio. One thing slips out and in no time everyone knows. Can only say: Everyone has to pay attention to himself, that nothing slips out of him and if that happens, then it is under the belt line, that is to pass on.
Is it wise to ask the colleague not to mention it?
Sure, he’ll stick to it just as you did.
if everyone slips out, then everyone knows
Well, you can see what happens if you don’t want to keep a secret for yourself. Too many can simply not hold their mouth.
just say so: Hey diggerle that was a thing among us a secret that I entered DIR bittte nix say BITTEEEE!!!!.
SO just a little more without the bittte