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1 month ago

This would also be important to me for the qualification and for what is to be expected at work.

A 17-year-old pupil who has his experience exclusively from watching on his own siblings will be able to expect less than someone who may be educators or nurses.

If you are there late evening/night and you have to be there “just” (but can otherwise follow your own things), but probably don’t do anything, then that would also be something different for me than if you have to deal actively with the child.

1 month ago

At, the average hourly wage for babysitting is between 13€ and 15€ per hour. Babysitting with more experience, additional qualifications or special requirements require 15€ to 20€ per hour or even more.

1 month ago

Since you’re 13 years old, you’d be too young to me. I would book you at most if I were present in the apartment myself, but for some reason my child could not supervise himself.
With him alone or overnight I would not have a good feeling, so I would give you a total of 50€ in the afternoon.

I personally have always taken students with qualifications or an elderly woman as a babysitter

1 month ago

A babysitter usually gets no salary. Especially when you ask how much per hour. That’s pay!

A good amount is between €13 and €15.

1 month ago

“content” would be if you have a work contract and work at least in TZ subject to social insurance. Because you’re 13 years old, I guess that’s going to happen.

I wouldn’t ask. If the parents of the child want you explicitly as a babysitter for their child, then I assume that they already know you for a long time. Thus, they can also judge what experiences you already bring or if any. You will surely make a offer and you can decide whether to accept it or not.

I have only booked babysitting for my child from 18 years old with at least some experience. That’s why I can’t answer the question of what I would pay at most. I’m afraid you wouldn’t be considering me too young.

1 month ago

I’d pay the minimum wage. Something like that between 12 and 15 €.

1 month ago

Do you want to do this professionally, or for acquaintances?

For acquaintances: Say 15€. They’ll give you more if it’s too little.

And honestly? You sit there and watch TV or do something for school. The job is really worth 10€.