Gehacktes feste weiße Stückchen?
Hab heute mal wahrscheinlich eine dumme Frage. Ich kauf aber halt fast nie abgepacktes Gehacktes gemischt. Beim durch kneten sind mir feste weiße Stückchen aufgefallen. Die man aber mit den Fingern zerdrücken konnte. Ist das Normal meine das ist bestimmt Fett aber weil die sich so fest angefühlt haben war ich verwundert.
If you had beef chop, of course, that’s bark fat. Pork fat at about 25 degrees, bovine fat up to 40 degrees. Poultry fat is even lower than 25 degrees at room temperature, this is already semi-melted
Now, if you take cork fat in your mouth, it’s such a juicy pappy feeling. On the other hand, pork fat melts there almost and it feels much more pleasant.
And because fender fat still melts lower, you have to add black-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin-skin, or alternatively with a brush on bread 😉
So a share of pigeon in it is not an attempt to save money. except for the proportion of gooseshmalt is extremely low.
Fat is that.
Meat contains fat, which is in the form of layers between the pieces of meat – by turning the meat through the meat grinder it is comminuted and there are small pieces, the fat contained in it, of course, also – what you have, so is quite normal
If you look at the butcher’s neck or a belly piece, you know what I mean
what you mean is the already left out fat (e.g. by frying, roasting) – this is then very soft and spreadable, we call it lard – this is naturally not included in minced meat
Cold fat, all i.O.
That’s fat.
that is fat