Geh 10 klasse ich hätte eine Frage Wenn man Dieses Halbjahr immer noch eine MSA Prognose hat aber nächstes Jahr sich verbessert kann man dann Abi machen?

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3 months ago

Completely unclear question. Please revise OP, so below in the text (apart from the headline) to write complete sentences, etc. Besides, we didn’t have anything like a “MSA forecast”, even though I consider MSA as a synonym for medium maturity.

I first made middle maturity at the real school and then I’m at the gymnasium. It was only necessary to meet certain note requirements on the berufl website. The Ministry of Education and Training was responsible. However, it may be that this is exactly what your “MSA forecast” takes into account.

At my time, however, it was also that if you were just a bit too bad for the upper level of the overall HS maturity, you could go to a professional college around FH maturity (full-time school). Evtl. is this for you too. You can’t study everything, but anyway. There are also some possibilities to study more than thought. The following link is not only available in the Magisterium: Lehramt-studieren-21-09-2023;art1373253,11725090

My brother was offered something like this in combination with his training (invading now if you could apply this year with medium maturity from school!). Either 3 years of evening school during training or 1 year of full-time.

Find out what you have in the area.
