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Something against a sore throat, ointment is good against it.
Yes, but in these candies there is virtually no ointment that could have an effect.
Mostly against neck pain and cough.
They act antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. So zb at slight neck pain and cough.
Sugar substitutes and aromas are neither antibacterial nor anti-inflammatory.
Cough and throat pain – Sage helps well
Sage yes, but these candies contain only flavors.
Nope. You’re causing the saliva, that’s it. Neither cough, nor throat pain, are actually alleviated.
They help against a scratch in the neck and thus also against irritating coughs.
And by the saliva flow also against a dry mouth.
The candies moisten your neck so that the mucous membranes are not so dry.
Dolo Dobendan relieves throat pain.
Good improvement for you.
For nothing, there are candies that taste very delicious. At most, they provide saliva, which makes your mouth a little damper.
Sage helps with hal pain.